Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 3}

In, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed the background information you need before starting a blog that has the potential of earning you a profit.  If you missed those two posts, please take time to read them as blogs without a proper foundation do not earn profits. Not all profits can strictly financial but we all want to know now to earn cold hard cash.  There is no easy answer but there are avenues you can take to drive your blog to the bank. Here are some of the most popular ways to … Continue reading

Live Below the Line

My son is in third grade and at his school; they have a saying “Are you living above the line or below the line?” Of course, above the line is doing good things and living below the line is doing bad things, so they encourage the children to live above the line. But, living below the line isn’t always a bad thing. There is a new campaign I just discovered called “Live Below the Line.” What line are they talking about? The poverty line. Live Below the Line is asking people to change their lives for just 5 days by … Continue reading

The Wrong Ways to Write Your Genealogy Blog

It seems as though nearly everyone has a personal blog, and genealogists are no exception. All bloggers, no matter what their subject matter, need to be careful of things like copyright law and proper attribution. Think before you publish that blog post for the entire internet to see. You might be doing it wrong! Some will use their blog as a way to tell a story about the interesting things they discovered while doing genealogy research. Other genealogists want to use their blog as a place to collect information about their ancestors. It’s fine to tell your own stories about … Continue reading

The Mormon Mom Blog Squad

There really could be a squad for all the Mormon Mommy Bloggers out there. Actually, it would be more like an army, not a squadron. But, that’s beside the point. I recently wrote an article titled, Mormon Mommy Blogs, that talks about the obsession with these blogs. I have to admit, I’m part of that obsession. Sometimes, I find myself looking at these blogs and my head is spinning. After all, I’m a MM Blogger too. I don’t have advertising, and sponsors, and loads of followers. I secretly might want all of that though. I don’t know, maybe I don’t. … Continue reading

Be Kind to Your Kidneys and Liver

The human body is pretty amazing. Despite all the wear and tear the body gets on a daily basis — inside AND out — it still keeps going. Your liver and kidneys play a huge role in keeping the body clean on the inside. The liver has hundreds of functions, but one big one is filtering bad stuff (like bacteria) out of the blood. It’s also essential for digestion — the liver produces bile, which breaks down fat so the body can digest it. It’s a multitasking marvel! Your kidneys are waste and water processors. On a daily basis, they … Continue reading

Are You Ready to Live to 100?

A new report from the Danish Aging Research Center says that blowing out 100 candles might become old news for kids in developed countries. Life expectancy has been on the rise for residents of developed countries over the last two hundred years or so. If that trend continues, says researchers from the University of Southern Denmark’s Danish Aging Research Center, then hitting your one hundredth birthday could become old hat. They say that most babies born since 2000 in developed countries like France, Germany, Italy, the U.K., Japan, the U.S., and Canada have a good chance of living to see … Continue reading

A Hundred Ways with Pasta

Pasta is a very economical food. It is enriched, filling and can be a healthy part of a frugal diet. There are many enhanced pastas these days, including ones made with whole grains or containing added protein. These special pastas often cost more or offer less in the box, but they are still generally less costly that many other meals. Okay, so I have never counted up all of the ways that we have prepared pasta, but I bet it has been at least one hundred ways. There are so great recipes out there. You can boil pasta, bake pasta, … Continue reading

Blogging Your Health

We live in an age of information. Sometimes, it seems harder to disconnect from phones, email, and computers than it is to stay connected! So how much (or how little) personal information and experience do you put out there? Social networking sites have made it possible for anyone and everyone to find an audience of friends, family, coworkers, and even relative strangers. Again, the question of how much do you (or don’t you) say about your everyday life is important. This sort of thing is on my mind lately in regards to health. Do you talk about your health or … Continue reading

New CPR May Save More Lives

A new study from the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona finds that chest compressions may be the most important factor in surviving a heart attack. The study specifically looked at cardiac arrest that happens outside of a hospital — when people must often rely on friends, family, and emergency medical personnel to save them. EMS personnel in the study were tracked both before and after training in a new style of CPR. Study authors have coined a new phrase — and a new style of CPR — that can potentially triple the survival rate of people who have an out-of-hospital … Continue reading

Milk Thistle and Your Liver

Common, ordinary milk thistle — also known as blessed milk thistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, and variegated thistle — may be a health powerhouse when it comes to the liver and diabetes. The plant originated in Southern Europe and Asia, but is now found around the world — and is sometimes considered an invasive species. Milk thistle has reddish or purple flowers and shiny green leaves with white veins. The main compound of milk thistle seeds is silymarin. Did you know? Milk thistle is an “energy enhancing agent” in Rockstar Energy Drink. Silymarin has been used to treat varicose veins, … Continue reading