How to Tell a Cold from an Allergy

The Fall weather is upon us, and Winter weather is on its way. This is the time of year when many children catch a cold. If your child has allergies, it might be difficult to figure out if their symptoms indicate that they have a cold, or, if they are having an allergic reaction. Here are some tips to help you to tell the difference. Is that sneeze due to a cold, or is it an allergy symptom? Parents of children who have allergies may have trouble differentiating between the two possible answers. Colds and allergies have some symptoms in … Continue reading

Healthy Houseplants

If you’re looking for a way to keep your houseplants healthy, you can check the Home Blog. If you’re looking for houseplants that can keep YOU healthy, you’re in the right place. Plants can brighten your home — but they have a ton of health benefits. Lower stress with some greens in your workspace. Even in low light or offices without windows, you can keep a dragon tree, bamboo palm, snake plant, or arrowhead vine. Studies from Washington State University have shown that exposure to plants can lower your systolic blood pressure by as much as four points. Compare it … Continue reading

Health and the Firstborn Child

Studies are showing that birth order can actually have an impact on health. You can’t help the order that your children are born in. But knowing what ailments are likely to strike your oldest child can help you keep them safe, happy, and healthy! Firstborn children score an average of three points higher on IQ tests than younger siblings do. Smarts are good, this is better: research from the University of Glasgow suggests that children who score higher on IQ tests are less likely to develop coronary heart disease and some cancers. Firstborn children are more likely to suffer from … Continue reading

Voice Changes Aren’t Just For Puberty!

Did you know that your voice can change throughout your life? Talking too much for too long can strain your voice; too much strain can lead to permanent change in your voice. You may end up with a deeper and/or raspier voice. Some women find that their voices start to change and deepen in their thirties. So what can you do to protect your golden tones? Make room for some quiet time in every day. The more you talk, the more often you should give your voice a break — like if you are a teacher or work in sales. … Continue reading

Travel Tips For Allergy Sufferers

The countdown to summer vacation is on and if you are like most families you are likely planning a family trip to somewhere fun and fabulous. Unfortunately, if you have allergies or asthma, the symptoms travel with you. Two of my brothers have asthma and I have severe allergies so our family trips usually meant schlepping around backpacks filled with various medications. If you have children with allergies or asthma or you suffer from the condition, it is important to plan ahead for any changes in the environment that may affect your allergies or asthma. Prior to leaving on extended … Continue reading

Have A Cold? Doctors Say Don’t Bring It To Their Offices

Have you had your first cold of the season? Our entire family was sick this week. No question about it—cold season is here. But, if you are like me and you call your doctor to get something stronger than over the counter meds because you “can’t afford to be sick,” (it’s the line I used) don’t be surprised if the receptionist tells you that you are better off at home. It happened to me and apparently, I’m not alone. Some physicians don’t want cold sufferers to rush into their offices with a cold that can be cured at home. In … Continue reading