Pre-Dementia is on the Rise

A study from the Mayo Clinic looked at a mild type of memory loss that may precede Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers looked at approximately sixteen hundred adults between the ages of seventy and eighty-nine living near the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. All of the study participants had normal mental and memory function when they joined the study; within a year, more than five percent had developed some impairment. Men in the study were twice as likely as women to develop memory impairment. However, women often live longer and therefore have more time to develop memory issues. Researchers called this … Continue reading

Humor Helps with Dementia Homecaring Duties

Earlier today I wrote “GULP! I’m a Caregiver!”. I admitted how scary that was and how clueless I sometimes am about it all. The Humor of It All However, that leaves a lot of room for humorous incidents. Luckily, both my mom, husband, and I have pretty good senses of humor. Which is nice, because as my fellow bloggers Aimee and Beth have both written in previous articles, laughter is good medicine. (And not just my mom could stand a large dose of that at this point!) Humor had a chapter all its own in Keeping Busy: A Handbook of … Continue reading

Cast Off Day!

We woke to much anticipation and excitement in our house this morning. After eight weeks, today Murph was set to get his cast off. I woke up early so I could get him to the surgeon’s office a little after 7:30 a.m. But before we left, I lay on the floor with him and petted his belly. “I need you to be a brave boy for me one more time, okay? Today I have to drop you off at the vet’s because they have to give you the sleepy medicine again to get your cast off. I know you don’t … Continue reading

A Collection of Cat Toys

As impressive as the collage of cat toys to the left might be, it’s only a small representation of the entire collection of cat toys my cats claim. (Wayne’s decided if we’re looking for ways to cut money in case of a depression, cutting out my pet toy spending is a place to start. Sadly, he’s probably right.) But the purpose of this blog isn’t to show off my cats’ impressive collection of cat toys. Rather, it’s to discuss the names they know their toys by. (As I wrote in another article, I’m big on naming things.) See if you … Continue reading

How Much Does Your Pet Influence Your Lifestyle?

A week or two ago, I saw a story on Today about people who take their pets to work. I didn’t catch the full story, however. I think it was really more about how much pets influence some people’s lives. All aspects of it. Work One of the men profiled in the Today piece explained how he had moved his workplace for his dog. Apparently he runs his own business and leases office space. When a landlord prohibited pets from being in the building, the man went and found more accommodating office space elsewhere. But other people who didn’t own … Continue reading

Designing a House with Pets in Mind

A while back I was watching a show on HGTV in the waiting area of the Nissan dealership while Nissy’s oil got changed. I don’t remember the name of the show, but it was one of those where they feature people’s homes for one reason or another. Usually very fancy houses with lots of neat upgrades I can only dream about. Cold Rooms Must Mean a Cold Heart The episode showcased a lady’s home that, while very pretty, also struck me to match its owner’s personality: cold and sterile. The floors were entirely hard surfaces, save for maybe her bedroom. … Continue reading

Was Tabby’s Behavior a Harbinger of the Stroke?

My mom had her stroke on Tuesday, but reflecting on it now I’m wondering if Tabby knew something was up on Monday. Ever since my mom moved here, Tabby’s been her girl. She’s on her lap whenever possible, guards her room at night, watches the sun rise with her in the mornings, and in general keeps tabs on her wherever she goes. Basically, they’ve become best buddies. But on Monday, Tabby was even more of a shadow than usual. Right from the time my mom woke up she kept talking about the cat. “Come see what this cat is doing,” … Continue reading

Caretaker Stories: Where’s the Fruit?

There were many moments when acting as caretaker for my grandmother was a huge source of stress and frustration. Then, there were moments that were just hysterical. My grandmother and I had been to the food store earlier in the week. It was early summer, so there was plenty of fresh fruit to choose from — we brought home a big bag of nectarines, bananas, apples, and more. I remember the nectarines specifically, because I ate one on the drive home. I couldn’t wait! A few days later, I was browsing through the kitchen cabinets, looking for a snack. Fruit, … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Tales Their Tails Tell

An inadvertent side affect of the personal pet therapy project has been that my mom is paying attention to Murphy, Tabby, and Mr. Meow’s mannerisms. And remembering them from day to day. For instance, she’s beginning to recognize that when Murph lets out a certain bark and rushes to the window a rabbit’s surely in the yard. When he growls another way and rushes to the window a dog must be going past. Then there’s his whine and anxious face pressed in front of ours when he’s ready to go for a walk. But the cats intrigue her the most … Continue reading