Dishwashing By Hand

It always seems that I’m in a hurry, from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep at night. Hurry to work, hurry home, hurry through dinner, and clean the house quickly. You name it, I do it fast. I’m not sure what I’m in such a rush for, but I’m always rushing from one thing to another. Lately with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday’s it seems that I’m in even more of a rush. So much is going on that I hardly every have any time just to be still. In an … Continue reading

The Turkey and Cauliflower Story

A single man becoming a married man requires some adjustments. And then when his wife becomes pregnant … he learns to adjust even more. I was a cook in the Air Force and experimented in the kitchen a lot. I also tinkered with chemical formulas in high school and college. I liked inventing original recipes with whatever ingredients were on hand. A small note: very few food dishes prepared by yours truly in my family of origin were popular ones, and I have fond, funny memories of an LDS missionary companion with a rather long nose (only one-eighth of an … Continue reading

The Love and Marriage Experience

Recently one of our family members shared her love and marriage journey with us in a comment. It was a joy to read of her happiness and how thrilled she was that she didn’t settle for second best. Sometimes that can happen. There’s subtle pressure that builds up when all your friends are getting married or in serious relationships, to think what’s wrong with me? To think you need to join the clan and find someone of your own- anyone, so long as you have a partner. When our daughter was young, at times she bemoaned the fact that she … Continue reading

Pain and Appetite

Pain can be hard on your body. Sure, it’s a good indicator that something is wrong… but pain can really mess with your body’s normal function. Maybe you have trouble sleeping, or maybe you lose your appetite. It seems like pain is one of those signals that overrides some of the other noise going on in your body — like the rumble in your tummy that says you’re ready for another meal. To be honest, I hadn’t thought much about it until it became a personal problem. I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain lately from the region of my … Continue reading

Hurry Up and Wait

I’ve been joking lately that I’d like to take the next step in figuring out my health mystery soon — and not “soon” in dog years. Things feel like they’re moving very slowly. To recap: just before New Year’s, I had a physical and pelvic exam. Because my uterus was enlarged, the nurse midwife suspected I had fibroids. She ordered an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. But the ultrasound results were unclear… so the plan is to hand me off to a specialist for further testing. It hasn’t quite been a month since the pelvic exam and original diagnosis… but … Continue reading

Things We Wish We’d Done While Waiting

In my Fast Start blog, I set out some steps to take so that you will be ready to proceed with the various stages of adoption as soon as possible. (Follow the advice of your own adoption agency, of course.) Still, some waiting is inevitable. Here are some things to do. Some of these you have heard before. Learn basic baby care, if applicable. Learn about child development and what children typically do at the age your child-to-be is currently, if you have a child identified, and at the age he/she is likely to come home. Learn about any special … Continue reading

Waiting in the World of Home Businesses

Do you remember that old saying that some situations call for “hurry up and wait”? Sometimes, operating a home business can be a perfect example of living in a state of hurry up and wait. A person can feel like she’s slogging along with a lot of things to do, but nothing is happening. Patience, and the ability to live with the wait can be quite important in the world of home business. Try to remind yourself that just because it SEEMS as though nothing is happening, it doesn’t actually mean that nothing is happening. If you are working steadily … Continue reading

Fast Start: Hurrying Up While Waiting

You’ve probably heard international adoption called a “hurry-up and wait” game. Meaning, that you are often in a mad hurry to fulfill every request for a document or signature, lest you miss the monthly meeting of the Romanian adoption committee by one day, or your social worker doesn’t get a chance to fax her counterpart before her vacation, or whatever, and you miss another precious month of your child’s infancy. Then, you don’t hear back from anyone for weeks. Sometimes slow and steady is okay. You focus on your work, or your other kids, or whatever, sending out questionnaires to … Continue reading

Mom’s Heart Transplant Journey: The Wait Begins

Mom’s journey to her heart transplant continued. The cardiologists determined that she would need a new a heart, but that it would not be an immediate thing to happen. Basically, she endured a “hurry up and wait” period for some time until she was determined eligible to be placed on the transplant list. Mom went through routine testing before she was placed on the transplant list. These tests consisted of echocardiograms, pulmonary pressure tests that measure the pressures in her heart, blood tests and a test called a BPH test, which if it went higher from test to test, then … Continue reading

While Waiting to Adopt

The hardest part of the adoption process I hear about from others is the waiting! I call it the “Hurry up and wait” game. Anyone who’s played it, I’m sure will agree, it’s not a fun game. There are some things that you can do during the waiting that will not only help pass time, but actually help you stand out as a waiting family. Take advantage of special opportunities with your current family. When my husband and I were waiting, we would take day trips to the ocean and the mountain. We took long aimless drives at night (gas … Continue reading