I Dont Like My Oncologist

I am about 2 months post reconstruction surgery and it was time for my oncologist appointment. Now I should be used to this but every three months I have to go to an oncologist appointment. During these appointments he checks the girls, and draws blood and that’s about it. I really dread going to these appointments because I am always worried about a recurrence. The stress of recurrence is added on with the stress that I really don’t like my oncologist. This is the same oncologist that stressed me out so bad since the first appointment. During my first appointment … Continue reading

Am I Being TOO Motherly?

My husband’s kidney disease is wearing on him. He is always mentioning how he is going to have to go on dialysis if it fails. I think he is more worried about that than he was with his cancer. Now I understand the idea of dialysis or kidney transplant are scary, believe me I get it. If you have never checked out my cancer blog I can tell you that what a doctor says to you sticks with you and causes a lot of stress. In my case when my oncologist met me for the first time and said he … Continue reading