What to Do While Waiting for Medical Test Results

Waiting for test results can be a bit un-nerving, especially when the test results might indicate a change in your lifestyle. Knowing what to do while you are waiting for test results can help you keep a positive frame of mind while making sure that you don’t miss any important information related to your tests. Establish How and When the Results will be Delivered How will you know when your test results are in and how will the results be delivered to you? Establish the answers to these questions with the lab or your doctor’s office. Will someone call you? … Continue reading

Waiting It Out With Your Toddler

You may hire a sitter to entertain your toddler at home while you go to appointments. There are times, however, when you have to take your toddler to an appointment with their doctor or dentist. A wait in the waiting room is usually unavoidable, and with a toddler the wait can feel like an eternity. How do you keep your toddler entertained in the waiting room of the doctor, dentist, car dealership, or other place where you have to sit and wait a little while? You probably packed a toy or two from home in your purse or diaper bag, … Continue reading

The Waiting Game

(The ticket to higher education.) Forget about the Hunger Games, tis the season for the waiting game. Millions of high school seniors are anxiously waiting for colleges to either welcome them with open arms or send a skinny envelope dashing their dreams of pursuing higher education at the campus of their choice. Do you remember the day you received your first college acceptance letter? I was fortunate to get into my top three picks, and like the majority of my teenage peers, I broke into a happy dance and eagerly shared the news with family and friends. Boy, have times … Continue reading

Things Veterinarians Hate

Going to the veterinarian can be a harrowing experience, even if it’s just for a routine checkup. But few cats like the vet, and even the dogs that do usually have a hard time behaving when there are just so many interesting smells around. Knowing precisely what vets need from us as pet owners can help make the experience that much smoother. Veterinarian Patty Khuly posted a list on website VetStreet of the seven things pet owners do that drive vets crazy. Knowing to avoid these bad habits could help make your next vet visit easier. The list is as … Continue reading

I Hate Waiting

Sitting in the room waiting for the nurse to come back and tell me if I had something to be worried about or not seemed to take forever. I think in reality it was 10 minutes but it felt like hours. When she did knock and open the door she said, “We can feel the lump but nothing is showing on the mammogram, so we want you to do an ultrasound”. The hospital had an ultrasound in the next room so my husband and I walked into there and the tech came in. As I have said before, I like … Continue reading

I Hate Pregnancy

I have to be honest. I don’t like being pregnant that much. I don’t have it that bad though. Some women suffer from serious morning sickness. I didn’t. Some women get put on bed rest. Not me. But, I still don’t care for being pregnant. I’m a whiner. I have been my whole life, so being pregnant just gives me entirely too many reasons to complain. I do get sick during the first trimester. I never threw up, but did get very nauseous during the early evening hours. Other than that, the first trimester just brought with it extreme fatigue. … Continue reading

Stop Waiting for the Next Stage: Enjoy This One

I wish I could convince every parent who has little ones to really treasure these early years. I know that when my children were younger I would almost cringe to hear other parents say how fast those years go by. To me it didn’t seem fast enough. I got so tired of hearing those words that it was just easier to tune them out. In that moment in time all I could see were the tantrums, dirty diapers, sleepless nights and constant demands. I remember almost feeling like the life in me had been sucked out. I hate to say … Continue reading

Does Your Child Hate the Doctor’s Office?

I once got into trouble with my mom for falling asleep in the waiting room at the allergist’s office. In my defense, I had been at a sleepover the night before — and despite the clever name, had barely slept. The wait seemed endless, and I nodded over my waiting room magazine. Mom kept nudging me awake, telling me to pay attention, and letting me know how rude and disrespectful it was to snooze in the waiting room. As far as waiting room mischief goes, I still maintain that sleeping in my chair was not the worst crime possible. But … Continue reading

Blogging Your Health: Pros and Cons

The other day, I was thinking long and hard about blogging your health: what to say, how much detail to give, who gets to read your posts. It’s a tricky issue, to say the least. Let’s look at some positives and negatives. The advantages of blogging your health can include: Ease. Make one post/update to your social networking site of choice and all your friends get the news at the same time. It’s quick and easy — and that’s good at a time when you may not have a lot of time and energy to devote to keeping everybody updated. … Continue reading

Waiting for the Light to Change – Annette Haws

In the new novel “Waiting for the Light to Change,” Sarah has had a difficult life. Her husband, Bob, left her and her three children when her youngest was just one. She’s had to work hard at providing for her family, being both mother and father, and battling the resentment that built up against Bob and his new wife, Claire—a battle she lost. She hates the fact that Bob is a successful doctor, has money to burn, and has the respect of everyone around him while she’s sitting on raggedy furniture, barely able to meet the bills. She works at … Continue reading