Daily Dose of Laughter

Maybe I’m just old but I really don’t get half the programs on Cartoon Network. But apparently kids do. As I sit listening to the rain pound against my hotel window (we’re under a tornado watch!) Tyler is absorbed in that silly program about the Grim Reaper. Bill and Mandy or something like that. Anyway, he’s been watching TV all day since the weather is too bad to leave the hotel and he’s totally enjoying the silly jokes and shenanigans being displayed. Periodically I have glanced at the screen to see if I can get a handle on what’s going … Continue reading

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

With all the living and learning that occurs within an ordinary family—it can sometimes seem like family life is all about a lot of hard work and not very much play. Play and laughter especially seem to become increasingly scarce as children get older—silliness disappears, or at least is reserved for time with friends and peers, and acting goofy with mom or dad just doesn’t hold the same appeal it did when everyone was younger. I don’t think we parents should give up, however. I really do think that laughter can be the glue that holds a family together during … Continue reading

Laughter: The Best Medicine

Remember the old adage that laughter is the best medicine? Well, it seems that it’s true, laughter really is good for us. According to a recent poll by Harris Interactive of nearly 3,000 adults in the U.S., 98% of parents said that having a sense of humor in life is a key ingredient in raising happy, well-rounded children. The parents also ranked humor as being almost as important as reading and writing in terms of life skills. Laughter not only improves your child’s cognitive skills but aids in the development of social and emotional development as well. It helps kids … Continue reading

All About Me: Live, Love, Laughter

What is it that makes you smile? And what gets you into a fit of giggles? And still, what makes you just break into a fit of laughter? Everyone needs to laugh, and as the old saying goes “Laughter is the best medicine”. I can attest to that. On my gloomiest, most depressing days, all it takes is something funny to happen, and I’m laughing until I cry! So what is it that makes you laugh? Think about the funny things your children do. Think about your boyfriend, husband or significant other. Do they do things that make you laugh? … Continue reading

Don’t Forget to Laugh

After going through a difficult divorce you probably don’t feel much like laughing. Life is hard, you’re struggling trying to find your way along this new path in your life, the stresses are piling higher and higher, but I’m here to tell you, laugh anyway. Trust me, it makes all the difference in the world. Recent studies have actually shown that laughter creates a physiological response in your body that strengthens your immune system and gives you more energy. Both of those things happen to be extremely important as a single parent. You need the energy to parent your children … Continue reading

A Sense for Humor

When I teach courses I typically start with something my students don’t expect. I force them to scream in unison, do a funny dance, throw hundreds of paper airplanes my direction at the same time. These strange beginnings tend to reenforce a message I want to send to them: this can be fun. My message of fun is typically backed up by experience. Sure, there will be students who won’t have fun. There always are. The vast majority of students will enjoy the courses I teach because I teach art. I know, I see some of you raising your hands … Continue reading

Being Financially Strapped Can Be Good for a Marriage

Tough economic times don’t have to be bad for your marriage. It can actually be a positive experience. Not being flush with money we often ended up doing a lot of things we wouldn’t have thought of and things we wouldn’t have known we could do unless we tried. By the time we bought our first little house and even by the time we bought our second house after we outgrew the first, we didn’t have anything much left over for furniture and decorating, so it was a case of make do and do what we could. We scoured auctions … Continue reading

How do You and Your Spouse Rate?

Why men want sex and women need love is the title of a new book out. I admit I haven’t read the book but I couldn’t help wondering if that was a gross over simplification. The book is written by a successful Australian couple. On the site there is an about us link. But about as us tells you nothing about them except what they have achieved in the publishing business and how many best selling books they have and how successful they are in business. It tells you nothing about how long they have been married or what their … Continue reading

Kirstie Alley Comes Clean and David Ogden Stiers Comes Out

These two news stories may come as no big surprise to some of you, but at least the two celebrities are coming clean with the truth. After months of seeing photos of Kirstie Alley looking – well, let’s just say a little heavier than her bikini shot on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in November 2006, she has finally admitted publicly that she gained weight. She said that she started screaming when she stepped on the scales for the first time in 15 months because the scale read 228 pounds. Alley had gained 83 pounds and was at her highest weight … Continue reading

Humor Helps with Dementia Homecaring Duties

Earlier today I wrote “GULP! I’m a Caregiver!”. I admitted how scary that was and how clueless I sometimes am about it all. The Humor of It All However, that leaves a lot of room for humorous incidents. Luckily, both my mom, husband, and I have pretty good senses of humor. Which is nice, because as my fellow bloggers Aimee and Beth have both written in previous articles, laughter is good medicine. (And not just my mom could stand a large dose of that at this point!) Humor had a chapter all its own in Keeping Busy: A Handbook of … Continue reading