A Hearing Loss Epidemic?

A recent study from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland took a look at the possibility of an epidemic of hearing loss in the United States. Right now, one out of every three adults in the United States suffers from some degree of hearing loss. I have some hearing loss on the left side from my days in radio — for a long time, I used a broken pair of headphones that only worked on the left. I’d turn the sound up to compensate for only having one working speaker… and I’ve paid for it. The study team from Johns … Continue reading

Make the Most of the Families.com Weight Loss Blog

Sometimes we get so busy with our daily lives that we don’t have time to realize that there are things around that are meant to make life easier. I’m about to tell you a few things that may help you to make the most of the Families.com Weight Loss Blog. If you like what you read and think a friend would enjoy it, click on the selection below next to the yellow envelope that says “Send this to a friend”. If you really liked what you read, scroll down and rate the article by clicking on a star. (Preferably the … Continue reading

Dealing With Friends and Family Who Have Hearing Loss

It can sometimes be frustrating to deal with a friend or loved one who has hearing loss. You may feel like they aren’t paying attention to what you say, or just get tired of repeating yourself all the time. Talking to a person with hearing loss can be tiring and stressful! Here are some tips for better communication with a person with hearing loss. Use the person’s name so they know you are speaking to them. Face the person directly so they can see your mouth, your whole face, and the gestures you make. Even if they don’t catch every … Continue reading

Make Life With Hearing Loss Easier

Living with hearing loss can be challenging. Some situations are easier than others — it will be far easier to talk to one friend or family member in the quiet of your home than to try to have a conversation in a busy restaurant! It takes a lot of effort to hear, sometimes, and that can be very stressful. You may be tempted to avoid certain social situations and/or worry about your safety — if you can’t hear a fire alarm or police car’s siren, for example. Hearing aids may be an obvious choice for improving your hearing. However, they … Continue reading

The Way We Handle Our Emotions

If you haven’t learned this already, you will…the way men and women handle their emotions is very different. But knowing this and learning how to accept it are two different things. Of course, it doesn’t always have to do with the fact that men and women are different. Personalities and characteristics come into play as well. For instance, my husband is very laidback. It takes a lot to rattle his cage. In fact, this week we dealt with a behavior issue with one of our children that almost set me off into a fit. But as my husband witnessed the … Continue reading

Clogged Ears

When I get sick, it usually goes to my sinuses and throat. And those are problems I know how to handle! I’ve had a lot of success holding off sinus infections by using an irrigation kit. But for the last few days, my left ear has been clogged. Maybe it’s lingering water from the shower, maybe it’s something more serious. I’m starting to get that achy feeling down towards my jaw that reminds me of swimmer’s ear. Time to turn to my trusty home remedy resources! The general consensus among my library of natural remedies is that water may indeed … Continue reading

Finding Out Your Dog is Deaf

Last night Wayne and I played volleyball with a group of folks who regularly meet on Tuesday nights at this one school gym. We’d had a little hiatus due to the holidays so everyone was excited to see each other and there was a lot of catching up going on. One of my friends, Lyn, who I also play volleyball with in another league, had gotten a dog shortly after Thanksgiving. Princess Sophia. I want to say she’s a Jack Russell but I’m not one hundred percent on that. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her in person. I’ve … Continue reading

A Look at Tonsil and Adenoid Problems

There are many different things that can affect the tonsils and adenoids. The following are a few of the more common issues. Difficulty breathing due to enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids — these obstructions can cause snoring and disturbed sleep. Some orthodontists believe that mouth breathing (thanks to large tonsils and adenoids) can cause malformations of the face and poor teeth alignment. Symptoms include breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, noisy breathing, recurring ear infections, snoring, and sleep apnea. Chronic infection that affects the ear — infection can enter the Eustachian tube (the passage between the back of the … Continue reading

Do Diet Supplements Work and Do You Need Them?

Unless you’re sitting down to three square, home cooked meals a day and eating at least two healthy snacks between them, chances are you could use a supplement or two. Following are just a few you may want to consider. Healthy Fats In our diet conscious world, we tend to avoid any fat as if it were The Plague. That isn’t exactly what we should be doing. Believe it or not, our bodies need some special fats that we just cannot create ourselves. Supplements like Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fats derived from fish) are important for heart health so if you … Continue reading

Sugar House Hill – Heather Simonsen

“Sugar House Hill,” a critically acclaimed first novel by Heather Simonsen, is the story of Cassie Wagner. Cassie is a stay-at-home mom to a sweet little girl and she’s expecting another child. She thinks life couldn’t get any better – and then it takes a sharp turn for the worse. It all begins one morning when Jane, her daughter, wakes her up with a request for juice. For some reason, Jane’s voice is piercing, and Cassie realizes that her hearing isn’t quite right. She feels like she has a cotton ball stuck in her ear. Even though the hearing is … Continue reading