Pain and Sleep

In a way, pain is a good thing: it is the body’s way of saying that something is wrong, and giving you a general idea of where the problem is. But pain can mess with your appetite, concentration, sleeping habits, and more. Sometimes, pain makes you want (or need) more sleep. If you are sick or injured, you need time to rest and heal! There are some types of pain that make me want to snooze — mostly headaches. Often, I’ll try taking a nap to see if I can sleep the headache off before resorting to pain relievers. Though … Continue reading

Measuring Pain

At my doctor’s office, every exam room has a poster depicting the pain scale. From zero (no pain) to ten (the worst pain), each number also has a face depicting an expression from happy to tearful. This is officially known as the Wong-Baker FACES scale for pain measurement. It was developed by two pediatric specialists — Donna Wong and Connie Morain Baker — to help children assess and manage their pain. There are other scales to help patients assess their pain levels, like the McGill Pain Questionnaire, which asks (adult) patients pick from groups of words to describe their pain. … Continue reading

Cursing as Pain Management

Have a foul mouth? It might actually benefit you when it comes to pain management. A study from Keele University in England took a look at how an outburst of swearing can help people deal with pain. Sixty-seven college students took part in the initial study. First, they were asked for their five favorite curses — things they might say after accidentally whacking a thumb with a hammer. I know what I’d say in that situation, and it’s not pretty! The students were then asked to hold one hand in icy water for as long as they could bear it. … Continue reading

Ask a Health Blogger: Weak Leg

I was out walking yesterday, and my leg started to feel weird. Kind of achy, kind of weak, kind of tingly. It continued to bother me for the rest of the day. Whether standing or sitting, I still had that weird pain and numbness. What do you think this is? Should I call my doctor? Thanks for your question! I’m not a doctor, so please don’t take my word as law. But I did run your symptoms through the WebMD online symptom checker and one of the possibilities it came up with was a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve is … Continue reading

Don’t Ignore These Pains

I was at work at the cats-only boarding facility over the weekend and twisted the wrong way, wrenching my knee. The pain about floored me, and I had to grab onto the nearest counter in order to stay on my feet. Sometimes, your body gives you signals you just can’t ignore! There are some pains that can signal serious health issues — so don’t talk yourself out of getting some help if you experience something like these. The worst headache of your life could be a serious problem — a classic sign of a brain aneurysm is when a patient … Continue reading

Painkiller Basics

Not all over the counter pain medicines work exactly the same way. Here are some tips to make sure you take the right medicine for your body aches, headaches, and other pains. For sore muscles, sunburn, and arthritis pain, your best bet is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (also known as an NSAID). Ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin are all NSAIDs. These types of painkiller block the body’s production of chemicals that cause swelling — and swelling is really the culprit for your sore muscles, sunburn, and arthritis pain. Fighting a headache? Look for pain pills that contain caffeine. Many people find … Continue reading

Pain Medicine: Naproxen

There are plenty of choices at the pharmacy when you need a painkiller. One option is naproxen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for managing pain, fever, and inflammation. You may know naproxen as: Aleve, Anaprox, Naprelan, or Naprosyn. How does it work? Naproxen helps reduce the levels of certain chemicals that cause pain, fever, and inflammation in your body. These chemicals are called prostaglandins. Naproxen works by blocking the enzyme that manufactures prostaglandins, which helps relieve swelling, pain, and fever. Naproxen is available both over the counter and in stronger doses prescribed by your doctor. The usual adult dose falls … Continue reading

Pain In The Neck

What is your greatest cause of neck pain (your three rambunctious children under the age of four don’t count)? Seriously, think about it. Does your neck hurt from the amount of time you spend on your computer? Or is it from the amount of time you spend on your cell phone, or looking down at your BlackBerry, iPod, or handheld video game? According to the American Chiropractic Association, we are a nation addicted to electronic gadgets, which can put unneeded pressure on our shoulders and neck. Chiropractors say they have seen a dramatic increase in the number of people complaining … Continue reading

Managing Tension Headaches

If you’re like me, you are no stranger to headaches. Up to eighty percent of all adults experience tension headaches. Call them what you will: stress headaches, daily headaches, muscle contraction headaches — they all stink. I used to get tension headaches frequently in my last job, and I blamed them on a lot of things. It was the fluorescent lights. It was the pressure of the deadlines. It was the critical coworkers. Tension headaches are usually caused by environmental or internal stress, and I was getting both at the office. You may get your tension headaches infrequently — maybe … Continue reading

Coloring Books Aren’t Just for Kids

Think back to when you were a child. Did you spend time happily coloring the pictures that were in your coloring books? Today, many adults are rediscovering their love for coloring. There are several different types of detailed coloring books out there which are intended for grownups to use. Coloring is fun. It’s something that people first learn how to do when they are in preschool or kindergarten. Little kids can improve their fine motor skills by grasping a crayon and using it to color a picture. They find it rewarding to color a picture all by themselves and are … Continue reading