Walking Can Reduce Chance of Having a Stroke

Sometimes we need to be reminded of all the benefits found in walking. We know that it’s good for us but sometimes we don’t think about the specific benefits in doing so. One of the dilemmas middle-aged people face is increased weight gain in their middle. If there is one trouble area that I have found in recent years to be my thorn in my side it is my middle. The sad thing is that having a heavier middle also increases your risk for heart problems, including heart attacks. Women especially are at an increased risk of developing heart disease. … Continue reading

Middle-Aged Women and Stroke

According to the American Stroke Association, more than one hundred thousand women in the United States under the age of sixty-five have a stroke each year. Compare that to the approximately 83,000 American women who suffer a heart attack! Most strokes occur when a clot blocks blood flow to the brain. There is another type of stroke that is comparably rare — a blood vessel in the brain bursting. If you’re going to worry about stroke (and you should), focus your worry on those clots. More statistics from the American Stroke Association: Stroke risk is highest in women between the … Continue reading

U.S. Preventative Services Task’s Opinion on Hormone Therapy

Well, now I am just confused! I mentioned that I went to a menopause seminar here at the health science center where I worked. It was conducted by a nurse who was very pro-hormone therapy. Even years ago, I remember hearing bad stuff about hormone therapy (HT) (or as they used to call it hormone replacement therapy). A fifteen-year study called the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) began in 1991. It looked at 160,000 post-menopausal women using HT. What they found was that HT didn’t exactly do what they had hoped (prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease) and it also … Continue reading

What Causes Clumsiness?

Lately, I feel like I’m a lot clumsier than usual. Case in point: two nights in a row, I’ve spilled my lemonade — once on the couch, once in the office. Yesterday, I really raised the clumsiness bar by spilling a bowl of handmade glass ornaments and then stepping on them. Really graceful! (Thankfully, only the ornaments were hurt in that little adventure.) It got me wondering: what causes clumsiness? To answer that, it doesn’t hurt to look at the opposite side: coordination. Driving this wonderful machine called the body takes motor skills and sensory input (to put it REALLY … Continue reading

Birthday Party Anxiety

In my 24 years of parenting I have anecdotally confirmed that many parents suffer from Birthday Party Performance Anxiety. I include myself in the anecodotal research. The thought of throwing a birthday party fills me with fits of condemnation over my housekeeping, cooking and organizational skills. I hate housework, I love cooking when I don’t have to do it or clean up after myself, and I hate having to focus on 27 million screaming children who all want the first prize for a game of “Pin the wart on the witch”. Exaggerating I am, but you get the drift I’m … Continue reading