Fun with Hormones!

I was on birth control for part of my twenties… and I have to say, I really liked it. I enjoyed the regular periods and the lack of PMS symptoms. It was great knowing exactly when things would start and end. But once I wasn’t sexually active (between relationships, you see), I stopped taking birth control. I didn’t need it for the birth control aspect, and my periods stayed relatively regular for a few years after I stopped the hormones. The doctor I saw at the teaching clinic said that he thought “birth control” wasn’t the best name. For women … Continue reading

Pain and Sleep

In a way, pain is a good thing: it is the body’s way of saying that something is wrong, and giving you a general idea of where the problem is. But pain can mess with your appetite, concentration, sleeping habits, and more. Sometimes, pain makes you want (or need) more sleep. If you are sick or injured, you need time to rest and heal! There are some types of pain that make me want to snooze — mostly headaches. Often, I’ll try taking a nap to see if I can sleep the headache off before resorting to pain relievers. Though … Continue reading

Migraines and Hormones

My mother was around my age when she started having migraines. I’m starting to consider the fact that some of my splitting headaches recently are the result of monthly hormone changes. Symptoms of migraine can include: Moderate to severe pain (may be a pounding, throbbing pain) that may shift from one side to the other or affect the whole head. Sensitivity to light, noise, and/or odors Blurred vision Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain Loss of appetite Sensations of heat or cold Dizziness Fatigue Aura — seeing bright, flashing lights or dots, blind spots, and/or wavy lines I’ve definitely been … Continue reading

How Hormones Affect Your Body

Hormones do more than influence your reproductive system. Hormone levels can increase your risk of an exercise injury. A study from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center found that women in the first half of their menstrual cycles (when estrogen is the dominant hormone) tend to have less neuromuscular control than women in the second half of their menstrual cycles (when progesterone is the dominant hormone). In other words, the muscle timing is different. Hormone levels can affect your response to addictive behaviors. The brain seems to be more responsive to pleasure and reward when estrogen levels are high … Continue reading

Dealing with Migraines in Pregnancy

Whether you have suffered with migraines for years or only began having them during pregnancy, the pain can be difficult to deal with. Some women find that their migraines get worse when they become pregnant, while others experience fewer and less severe headaches. Still other women experience their first migraine during pregnancy. Migraines are not like other headaches. These are caused by the blood vessels in the brain dilating. The pain of a migraine is different from other types of headaches. The pain starts out as a dull ache, which gradually becomes a constant, throbbing pain. Nausea, vomiting and seeing … Continue reading

U.S. Preventative Services Task’s Opinion on Hormone Therapy

Well, now I am just confused! I mentioned that I went to a menopause seminar here at the health science center where I worked. It was conducted by a nurse who was very pro-hormone therapy. Even years ago, I remember hearing bad stuff about hormone therapy (HT) (or as they used to call it hormone replacement therapy). A fifteen-year study called the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) began in 1991. It looked at 160,000 post-menopausal women using HT. What they found was that HT didn’t exactly do what they had hoped (prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease) and it also … Continue reading

The Physical Effects of Anxiety

It may start in your head, but chronic anxiety – day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year – inevitably elicits some pretty profoundly negative responses from the rest of your body. So if you’re living with anxiety, as well as a painful or troublesome physical condition – particularly of the heart, lungs, stomach, muscles, skin, immune system, reproductive system, weight and/or head (as in headaches) – it’s time to make the connection. You may literally be making yourself sick with worry. As shared in my new book, Overcoming, Anxiety, Worry, and Fear: Practical Ways to … Continue reading

Did Your Deodorant Stop Working?

The deodorant/antipersperant aisle at the store is full of options. Sporty, teen, extra strength, spray, invisible, transdimensional, does the dishes too, etc. I used Secret because that was what my mom used… and I stuck with it for years. One day, I noticed that it wasn’t working as well as it used to. The powder fresh scent wasn’t lasting as long, and I was starting to feel sweaty. Betrayed! By my favorite deodorant! Oh, the horror! Heartbroken, I switched to another brand — Suave, if you’re curious. I’ve more or less been switching between the two every few years now, … Continue reading

Ten Reasons Why Your Period May Be Irregular

A late or skipped period is often cause for alarm. Am I pregnant? Is something else wrong with me? But you may not need to panic! The average woman has between eleven and thirteen periods per year — but that’s just an average. If your cycle is longer or shorter, that may be normal for you and you don’t need to worry! Here are some common causes for an irregular or skipped menstrual cycle: Pregnancy. Yep, it’s number one according to WebMD. If you think you might be pregnant, treat yourself as if you ARE pregnant until you get things … Continue reading