Mood Swings and Perimenopause

Mood swings in women have mostly been attributed to PMS. Sometimes we will hear comments like, “She must be PMSing.” Although mood swings can be a result of PMS there is a time in a woman’s life when it’s actually related to perimenopause. As women approach age 40 they may begin to experience intense mood swings not realizing they are due to perimenopause. Our family has been going through a difficult time with a failing marriage. When we got together for Easter we were without one particular family member and were discussing the marriage problems. It was brought up how … Continue reading

Why Don’t We Talk About Perimenopause?

Why don’t we talk about perimenopause? Women talk a great deal about menopause. Menopause has been the butt of jokes for years. We associate hot flashes and mood swings with menopause, however, little is said about the stage preceding menopause which is perimenopause. Some of the same symptoms that are experienced in menopause can also occur in perimenopause. Perimenopause is the transition stage before menopause hits. It can last anywhere from two to ten years before menopause takes full effect and the menstrual period ceases. The average duration of perimenopause is six years so it’s obviously an important stage in … Continue reading

What Is Perimenopause?

Okay… I’d never heard of perimenopause until my mother started going through it a few years ago. Perimenopause is the transitional stage in a woman’s reproductive life. It starts when the ovaries start to produce less estrogen, signaling the approach of menopause. For most women, perimenopause starts in the forties. Some women experience it in their thirties, too. The average length of the transitional period is four years, but the actual length may vary greatly from woman to woman. Some women are in perimenopause for only a few months; some are in perimenopause for as long as ten years. Perimenopause … Continue reading

Can Menopause Affect You at Work?

As if those of us staring menopause in the face need any more bad news… A recent study may show a connection between menopause, a decline in work, and an increase in sick days. The study was conducted by researchers at the Nij Smellinghe Hospital in Drachten, the Netherlands. Approximately 200 women between the ages of 44 and 60 who either worked at the hospital or a close by home-care organization were included in the study. The study tested something called “work ability.” That is, how one’s job demands correlate with her abilities and how that may predict her job … Continue reading

Is Early Menopause In Your Family’s Health History?

Ah, menopause. The very word conjures up images of cranky, middle-aged women sweating like crazy in the middle of winter. Sometimes, though, women begin to experience menopause before they are in their mid to late forties. There are a few things that can cause a woman to experience menopause early, including removal of or damage to her ovaries, autoimmune disorders, and genetics. Your family’s health history may influence whether you experience menopause early for two reasons. One reason is that most women go through menopause at approximately the same age that their mother did. You may want to ask your … Continue reading

Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and middle age spread. You cannot fight city hall they say, but ah, wait a minute. Yes, you can. If you are totally aware and conscious of all of these things that are taking place in your body you can fight back against it. It is not easy by any means, but by making a concentrated effort you will succeed in your quest. Menopause is that time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases and with it so does her childbearing capabilities. Some are relieved by this, especially those that have had … Continue reading