More Natural Remedies for a Sinus Infection

You may have noticed my ongoing fight against sinus infections. Whenever I get one, I start up my “sinus experiment”. The key component in my big plan is shooting salt water up my nose with a sinus rinse kit. It’s gross, but it really does work! I definitely wouldn’t have started doing it if an ear/nose/throat specialist hadn’t said it was that or another sinus surgery — the right motivation is everything. Now that I’ve seen it successfully fight off multiple sinus infections, I’ve been trying to get other people onto the sinus rinse bandwagon. If you can’t stomach the … Continue reading

The Natural Healing Debate

Herbal healing can be a somewhat controversial subject. To some people, natural remedies are outdated and useless. To others, natural remedies are far superior to manmade medicines and invasive treatments. I like to take a middle ground, and use natural remedies to supplement other treatments. You may have seen my occasional struggles with sinus infections here in the Health Blog. Because I’ve had chronic sinusitis and ended up having surgery to cut away infected tissue in my sinuses, I try to be very aware of what’s going on in my sinuses. At the first sign of pressure, I break out … Continue reading

The Daycare & The Cold

Less than 1 week into Daycare and my son is already sick. I suppose this should be a common enough occurrence but it certainly doesn’t make Mom & Dad feel any better about putting our child into daycare. Is the environment clean? As far as I know. Is the staff trained? Yes. Are they kind and caring? They certainly seem to be. So what is the problem? I’m really not sure. Perhaps it is the other kids. My son has been super healthy since his birth… so hearing him snore because his sinuses are clogged is not a pretty sight … Continue reading

Six Causes for Jaw Pain

Sometimes, a health issue is straightforward: you experience pain in an area of the body, and that’s where the problem is. Sometimes, where it hurts isn’t where the problem actually is. The jaw is an area of the body where there’s a few different things going on — you’ve got your teeth and sinuses and ears in close proximity, and pain in any one of those three could leave you with an achy jaw. So what could that jaw pain be? If the pain appears at the hinge of your jaw when you open your mouth wide, there may be … Continue reading

Fixing Your Leaky Faucet

You might think this one belongs in the Home Blog… until I tell you that the nozzle I’m talking about is the one on your face. Post nasal drip can be a real annoyance! Mucus is a part of life — and a necessary evil when it comes to breathing. Your nose has to warm and humidify the air you breathe so it doesn’t damage the lungs on arrival. Glands in the nose and sinus cavities produce approximately two quarts of fluid every day to keep membranes in the respiratory system moist. That fluid has to go somewhere, and sometimes … Continue reading

Clogged Ears

When I get sick, it usually goes to my sinuses and throat. And those are problems I know how to handle! I’ve had a lot of success holding off sinus infections by using an irrigation kit. But for the last few days, my left ear has been clogged. Maybe it’s lingering water from the shower, maybe it’s something more serious. I’m starting to get that achy feeling down towards my jaw that reminds me of swimmer’s ear. Time to turn to my trusty home remedy resources! The general consensus among my library of natural remedies is that water may indeed … Continue reading

The Headache that Just Won’t Quit

I’m no stranger to headaches. When I was in high school and college, I had one sinus infection after another — and a sinus headache just about all the time. Once I had sinus surgery to cut away the infected tissue (and fix a deviated septum), the first morning I woke up without a headache was like a miracle. My problems with sinus infections have been few and far between since then. Alas, sinus headaches aren’t the only type of headaches I get. Every once in a while, I wake up with a real whopper. When I was still in … Continue reading

Dealing with Nasal Congestion

Before you became pregnant, you probably didn’t know that pregnancy can cause nasal congestion. This congestion is often not due to a cold or sinus infection. The condition is known as rhinitis of pregnancy and is very common. Some women are affected throughout the pregnancy, beginning in the first trimester. Rhinitis of Pregnancy is caused by the increase in the hormone estrogen during pregnancy. Higher levels of estrogen swell the mucous membranes inside the nose. It can also cause more mucous to form. This swelling causes nasal congestion in the pregnant woman. If you have a stuffy nose, but no … Continue reading