New Heart Guidelines For Women

Heart disease is the number one health threat for women — one in every three women in America dies of heart disease. But heart disease and stroke are preventable. The American Heart Association released new guidelines to help women keep their hearts healthy and happy for a long time. The new guidelines have three elements: a healthy lifestyle, taking care of major heart disease risk factors, and using appropriate medication. Taking care of your heart starts early: if you are age twenty or older, see your doctor to talk about your heart disease risk. Only one in ten women will … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Diabetes Part 2

When my sister called and mentioned some symptoms that my 4 year old niece Krysta was experiencing and luckily I had done some reading on diabetes because of my husband and his diabetes. I expressed my concerns and when my sister took her to the local pediatric ER they confirmed that she had extremely elevated blood glucose levels. A healthy person has a normal glucose level is in the low 100’s and my niece was 946 they day she walked into that ER. Luckily she was still able to walk into that hospital because she could have easily gone into … Continue reading

Trace Your Family’s Health History With Welch’s

Have you started working on your medical family tree yet? It might be somewhat uncomfortable to start asking your relatives to tell you details about their health and medical problems. That can be awkward enough to make many genealogists put off doing this task. However, knowing your family’s health history is very important. To help you out, Welch’s has created a free, easy to use, online tool to help you get started on your family health history. Welch’s, of course, is the company that is known for it’s great tasting grape juice. They use Concord and Niagara grapes in their … Continue reading

Thinking About Marrying An Unbeliever?

Thinking about marrying an unbeliever? Think again. Think long and hard, because it is setting yourself up for a hard time. So why shouldn’t you marry an unbeliever? Firstly, if you are a Christian, it goes against what the bible, which is the Christian’s guideline for living and the Maker’s manual, teaches. 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, says ‘Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light and Darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?’ Christians are called to be obedient … Continue reading

Why Lower Your Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure can hurt your body in different ways. Most importantly, is the strain it puts on your heart and arteries. If your heart works harder than normal for a long time, it can get bigger, and an enlarged heart can have a hard time keeping up with your body’s needs. Of all the people in the United States with high blood pressure: 11 percent aren’t doing anything about it — no special diet, no medication. 25 percent are on therapy for it, but aren’t doing enough. Only 34 percent of people with high blood pressure are doing enough … Continue reading

Dealing with Anger– the Islamic Way

We all experience anger from time to time. Maybe your spouse did something to upset you… the children are misbehaving… someone cut you off in traffic… your boss is being unreasonable. We share this world with many people of many different personalities. It is inevitable that we will feel anger or frustration from time to time. While the feelings are inevitable, angry reactions are not. In fact, the teachings of Islam are very clear on this: it is haram (forbidden) to lash out in anger. The Koran says: “O ye who believe! Let not a folk deride a folk who … Continue reading