Body Piercing Care and Safety Tips

Most people with body piercings don’t have any problem healing. The ears are a common piercing site; earlobe piercing often heals without any problems. Each piercing site has a different healing time, but you keep things clean and healthy with a little home treatment. Keep things clean and prevent infection: Wash the piercing site several times each day with warm water and an antibacterial soap. Soak the piercing site in warm water several times each day. This will increase blood flow to the area to promote healing and help reduce the risk of infection. Use an antibacterial mouthwash several times … Continue reading

Oral Piercings and Oral Health

A piercing in your lip, tongue, or check can come with some health risks. An oral piercing can take as long as two months to heal, so be sure you care for it properly. Here are a few basic care tips: Avoid alcohol while healing. Avoid spicy foods while healing. Avoid hard and/or sticky foods while healing. Don’t smoke or use tobacco products while healing. Brush your teeth after every meal. Rinse with a mouthwash after every meal. Rinse your mouth frequently with warm salt water. Talk to your body piercer and/or dentist if you have any problems. Caring for … Continue reading

Potential Body Piercing Problems

Most people with body piercings don’t have any serious problems afterwards. How well you care for your piercing will make a big difference in how fast and how well you heal! Here are some things you may want to know about potential body piercing problems. Initially, your piercing site may be swollen or sore. This is normal! It’s also normal to see a little blood or fluid draining from the site. Infection can be a serious body piercing issue. If you have other health risks or chronic health problems, it may not be advisable for you to get a body … Continue reading

Creative Discipline

Each child is a masterpiece from God. Aside from some guidelines we’ve been given in the Bible, there is really no one-hundred percent reliable manual for raising these little ones. I believe every child requires creative parenting. Prior to having children of my own, I worked in a preschool. I really felt it was great preparation for my children. While my husband and I were waiting to be parents, we read books, and took classes. We were determined to be prepared for whatever came our way. I chuckle now because once our first son was placed with us, we were … Continue reading