Testosterone May Help Treat Osteoporosis

Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston are looking at testosterone therapy for older men with osteoporosis. The research team worked with thirteen men with low testosterone levels between the ages of sixty and eighty-five for five months. Some men received weekly testosterone injections; others received weekly injections of testosterone every other month. A third group received placebo injections. When compared with the placebo group, the men who received testosterone injections had reduced bone loss over the five month period. Thirteen subjects is a pretty small sample, but researchers believe the findings are worth another look. If … Continue reading

Osteoporosis Tests For Men

Osteoporosis tests are routine for older women, but a new study from Park Nicollet Health Services in Minneapolis says that they should be routine for certain men, too. Medical experts see a general misconception in the United States that osteoporosis is only a threat to women. Current data indicates that one in two Caucasian women will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture at some point in her lifetime. One in four Caucasian men will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture at some point in his lifetime. Osteoporosis is half as common in men as it is in women, but it is still very common. … Continue reading

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked with Health Problems

An Austrian study took a look at the health problems that can come with low levels of vitamin D. Researchers followed more than 3,200 men and women from southwest Germany for eight years. Most of the participants had some form of heart disease, and the average participant age was sixty-two. During the study, the participants were tested weekly for vitamin D levels. Over the eight years of the study, 737 participants died — 463 deaths from heart-related problems and the rest from other causes. One of the vitamin tests showed that patients with the lowest levels of vitamin D were … Continue reading

The Future of Dentistry

In the next few years, your dentist may be able to do some amazing things — and not just to your teeth. The health care professionals you trust to care for your choppers may be able to help you care for your entire body. Within the next two years, you may see your dentist using your tooth x-rays to check for osteoporosis. European scientists have developed software that can scan x-rays of your teeth to help gauge your risk of osteoporosis. In early trials, the software is just as accurate as bone density tests! More trials are underway, but a … Continue reading