California Closes the Loopholes in Autism Therapy Coverage

Blue Shield of California has reached a settlement with the insurance regulators of California. The insurer is now going to include coverage of autism therapy in their health insurance policies. The settlement has closed the “loopholes” that made it difficult for parents of kids with autism to get their treatment covered. Blue Shield of California Life and Health Insurance has reached a settlement with California insurance regulators. The insurer has now agreed to cover the cost of the treatments that children with autism need. The agreement has closed some of the “loopholes” that were preventing children from getting the treatment … Continue reading

Why Kids with Autism May Need Vitamin Supplements

The new theory of autism is that it is a whole-body disease and not just a brain disorder. Autism, which is said to be linked to autoimmune illness and disorders of the GI tract, may also cause abnormal enzyme function, and thus inadequate digestion and nutrient absorption. Most of us already have observed that many kids with autism have very particular tastes in foods, preferring to eat the same things repeatedly and refusing to try anything new. So right from the start, these children are often at a nutritional disadvantage. But even if they did have a healthy diet, their … Continue reading

UTIs and Your Shoes

What makes a person susceptible to a urinary tract infection? Many times, there is no obvious reason for a UTI. A urinary passage may be partially blocked, or bacteria may spread from the lower bowel or from the vagina during intercourse. Pregnant women have a higher risk of developing a urinary tract infection, thanks to hormonal and physical changes. One other factor? Your shoes. If you wear high heels frequently, you could be putting yourself at risk for a urinary tract infection! Here’s why: wearing high heels can make your pelvis tilt forward and your back curve outwards. This can … Continue reading

Preventing UTIs

A urinary tract infection refers to an infection in the urinary bladder. Your doctor may call this cystitis. An infection that spreads to the kidneys is called pyelonephritis. If the infection spreads to the prostate, it is known as prostitis. Urinary tract infections are extremely common in women between the ages of twenty and fifty. Read about other UTI risk factors. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that are normally found in the digestive system, like: Escherichia coli Staphylococcus saprophyticus Proteus Klebsiella Enteroccus Some sexually transmitted organisms (like Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma) can also contribute to bladder infections in … Continue reading

Fireworks Displays For Kids With Sensory Issues

Watching fireworks on the Fourth of July is usually considered to be a great “family friendly” activity. If your child has sensory issues, then he or she is unlikely to enjoy the loud, booming, explosions that accompany the firecrackers. A mall in Connecticut is holding their first ever “sensory friendly” fireworks this year. Children who have autism spectrum disorders, or who have other sensory issues, might not necessarily enjoy the fireworks displays that many families make a point of viewing on Independence Day. The loud noises can make kids who have certain special needs really uncomfortable or even upset. In … Continue reading

Indiana Policy May Raise Cost of Vaccines For Insured Kids

Children in Indiana who are covered by health insurance will no longer be able to go to county health departments in order to receive vaccines. This new policy is designed to cut costs, as well as to help ensure that there will be enough for those who are the most needy. This could put an unexpected financial burden on parents whose children need vaccines for school. Usually, having your children covered by a health insurance policy is a good thing. It is a good way to keep the cost of health care down, and somewhat more manageable. Unfortunately, a new … Continue reading

Top 10 Must Visit Green Web Sites

Want to learn more about being green, whether it is at home steps you can take to make the world a better place, organizations that are monitoring the world’s practices, or preventing animal extinction? It is easy as a touch of the fingertips with these incredible websites: 10. Greenpeace Even people who don’t know much about going green have probably heard of Greenpeace. They have been trying to protect and conserve the environment for almost 40 years. 9. Going Green (TIME) TIME has devoted a section of its main web page to green issues. Weekly articles are posted on such … Continue reading

Vaccine Fact and Fiction

Feeling hesitant about your own (or your child’s) vaccinations? Only one of the following three popular beliefs about vaccinations is true. Mercury in vaccines can accumulate in the body. The flu vaccine can actually cause the flu. People can have allergic reactions to vaccines. Do you know which one is true? It’s the third one — allergic reactions. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, out of one million vaccines given, only ONE vaccine will cause a severe allergic reaction or death. Mild allergic reactions are slightly more common. If you do experience a reaction to a vaccine, a … Continue reading

What Causes Chronic Pelvic Pain?

Approximately fifteen percent of women in America suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Sitting, walking, going to the bathroom, and even certain clothes can be incredibly painful for women who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Doctors have recently realized that chronic pelvic pain is often caused by more than one problem. Treating just one cause may not solve the problem of chronic pain. Here are some of the most common causes: Endometriosis — a condition where cells that are similar to the lining of the uterus migrate and break down during your monthly menstrual period. If you have endometriosis, you may … Continue reading

Belly Button Infections

We most often think of belly button infections as something suffered by persons who have pierced their naval. While this does account for a significant portion of the infections, piercing is not the only way you can get an infection in your belly button. When I was a little girl, my father (I think it was my father, but he’s denying all knowledge) told me that I shouldn’t stick my fingers in my belly button or it would turn black. Being the impressionable soul that I was, I’ve never stuck my fingers in my belly button, and yet last week, … Continue reading