Six Things You Should Check on Your Roof

If you want to have the best protection from the winter weather and a roof that will hold up and be safe, you should check the following six things. It could be the difference between being safe and warm in the winter and having a major problem with your roof. 1. The first thing you should do is to check the framing structure of your roof. Stand back and look to see if there are any parts of your roof that sag or parts that are uneven. Sagging could indicate a problem with the roof deck. 2. Next, get on … Continue reading

Lyme Disease and Your Family

Summer is officially here and that means your family will likely be spending a lot of time in the great outdoors during the next three months. That’s good news for parents who want their kids to take advantage of the fresh air. However, the bad news is that being outdoors increases your children’s chance of coming into contact with ticks infected with Lyme disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Lyme disease is an infection caused by harmful bacteria typically found in animals such as mice and deer. Ixodes ticks can pick up the bacteria when they bite an … Continue reading

The Right Foods for Your Knees

After the holidays, I was sitting on the floor with the dogs while I watched one of my new DVDs. When I got up (after the hour and a half on the floor), my right knee was killing me. It ended up bothering me for close to a week, so I went with the RICE plan: rest, ice, compression, elevation. Eventually, the pain went away. I figure that I must have either been in a bad position on the floor or twisted something trying to get up. Your knees take a lot of abuse over a lifetime. I read somewhere … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean out your shoes

Ok, if I asked you how many pairs of shoes you own, how many of you could give me an honest answer? Do you have a few select pairs that you always depend on, or do you have a mountain in your closet that you dig through everyday for the perfect pair? Now, the harder question. Once you get that perfect pair on, are they killing your feet before the end of the day? Yes, fashion is important. Comfort is more important. If your shoes don’t fit properly you’re costing yourself. In the name of fashion women will commit all … Continue reading

Ease Your Arthritis With Exercise

When it comes to easing arthritis, the relief is what most people want. There are a lot of studies out there targeting how to help your arthritis and target it for relief through exercise. We’ve talked about arthritis and exercise here in the fitness blog before and today we’re going to talk about the different types of exercises and methods for easing your arthritis. Six tips you need to keep in mind for arthritis exercise, include: Applying heat or ice before a workout in order to relax your joints Dress in comfortable clothing Warm up with gentle exercise Wear shock-absorbing … Continue reading

Top Summer Health Risks

While those of us with kids all breath a sigh of relief when we get past the winter and cold and flu season, it is important to know that summer comes with its own set of health risks. Here is what you need to know to stay healthy this summer. West Nile Virus West Nile Virus causes flu-like symptoms, including fever, joint pain and headaches. It is contracted through the bite of an infected mosquito, and if you get it, you’ll come down with symptoms within two to fifteen days. Not everyone who is exposed will get sick. If you … Continue reading

Do Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy Mix?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which causes inflammation in the joints and surrounding tissues. It can lead to deformities in the hands and feet, anemia, decreased range of motion, numbness and tingling, pleurisy, and other mild to severe symptoms. It is a long term disease that can be managed (but not cured) by drugs that are incompatible with a healthy pregnancy. Does that mean women who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis can’t carry a pregnancy? Fortunately, that is not the case! Conception The pain and discomfort associated with RA may affect a couple’s sex life and account for the fact … Continue reading

Selenium and Health Issues

Selenium is a trace mineral — a mineral your body needs in small amounts as compared to macrominerals (like iron and calcium) that your body needs in large amounts. But even a trace mineral can have a big impact on your health. Selenium deficiency is often seen in places where concentrations of selenium in the soil are low — like China, and parts of Russia. Studies have shown that selenium deficiency may contribute to a host of health issues, including heart disease, thyroid issues, and a weakened immune system. Researchers believe that a selenium deficiency doesn’t usually cause illness by … Continue reading

How To Prevent Falls During Pregnancy

It happened when I was going down the steps in my home: my socked foot slipped off the edge of the stair and I fell on my butt. Fortunately I did not fall any farther down the stairway, but I nearly had a heart attack and I was worried for the safety of my baby. I was about six or seven months pregnant at the time. The baby and I were okay, but I was much more careful about stairs after that. A fall during pregnancy can be dangerous for both mom and baby, but mostly for mom. In most … Continue reading

Factors to Consider When Exercising at the Beach

The beach is a great place to work on your tan, but it’s also a fabulous place to work on your physique. There are dozens of exercises you can do at the beach that will provide you with tremendous health benefits. What’s more, the sun, fresh air and gorgeous views serve as distractions that help make working out more tolerable. While cross training at the beach is a wonderful way to burn calories and sculpt your body, there are some factors you should consider before hitting the sand, including: *Sun safety: Before you begin your beach workout, remember to apply … Continue reading