Do Men Get Hot Flashes Too?

Believe it or not, some men can be just as troubled by hot flashes as some women. For women, hot flashes usually come in association with menopause. Menopause is when estrogen levels drop in a woman’s body, causing all sorts of changes. For men, hot flashes are associated with androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Prostate cell growth is stimulated by testosterone. If you reduce hormone levels or block hormone action in the body, it can help make radiation therapy for prostate cancer more effective. As much as eighty percent of men who receive androgen deprivation therapy end up experiencing … Continue reading

Dad’s that Breastfeed: Literally!

A while ago, I wrote a blog about my husband and his perspective on breastfeeding. I’ve been breastfeeding for eight years pretty much without a break and so you have to figure that he does indeed have a perspective worth sharing. I wrote 8 tips to help dads while their wives are breastfeeding and shared some of my husband’s thoughts on the whole process. As my husband puts it: breastfeeding is for manly men. Well, I recently found out that men can breastfeed! No, not help their wives by supporting them in whatever way possible. . .men have mammary glands … Continue reading

Animal Abuse: Horse Slaughtering

Although horse meat is not eaten in the United States, nearly a hundred thousand horses are slaughtered here annually for human consumption. After death, the flesh is processed and sent overseas to parts of Europe and Asia where horse meat is desirable. Horses of all ages and breeds may find themselves on the auction block and headed to the slaughter house, including: Unsuccessful race horses Sick or lame horses Surplus horses from riding schools and camps Mares who are not producing “valuable” foals Foals born as a result of the Pregnant Mare Urine industry, which produces the estrogen-replacement drug known … Continue reading

Adenomyosis: My Story Part #1 When Normal Is Different

When my symptoms first started it was easy to consider what was happening as something to be expected. My wonderful sister’s-in-law, long-time-friends, and any woman just slightly older suggested what was happening me–might be “The Change!” After all they had all been told by their gynecologists that they needed hormone replacements and were going through early stages of menopause when they were my age. Some were even younger! So for a long time, I just thought this was what early menopause was like. Never knowing when that time of the month might be. Feeling cramps and horrible discomfort with little … Continue reading

Quality of Life not Improved by Hormone Therapy

A study done in Estonia seems to show hormone therapy does not significantly improve the quality of life of postmenopausal women. The interesting thing is that this study was performed on women who have, and don’t have, hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Women who experienced hot flashes and night-sweats reported an improved general quality of life. I am not sure what part of this should be a surprise, but the study looked at more than just that. The study investigated the effect of hormone therapy on the use of health care services, illnesses and well-being. The reason why this … Continue reading