Five Quick Fixes for Snoring (and One Slow Fix)

Experts estimate that nearly half of all adults snore. Are you one of them? Are you troubled by snoring (your own or your bed mate’s)? My mom used to snore — loud enough that I could hear her from my room with the door closed. She gave those Breathe Right nasal strips a try and they REALLY cut back on the snoring. She hasn’t stopped entirely, but the nasal strips did make a definite difference. Here are some more quick fixes for nighttime noise that may help you AND your spouse get a good night’s sleep. Change the way you … Continue reading

What Causes Snoring?

In a strange turn of events last night, I heard myself snoring. I was having a weird dream (sort of a monster movie kind of scenario) and one of the people in my dream kept telling me that I was snoring. “No,” I insisted. “I don’t snore.” But I could HEAR myself snoring while I was dreaming (and denying it). Very weird. I tend to talk in my sleep — I’ve done it since I was a little kid — but don’t often snore. So it made me wonder about the cause. A few different things can cause snoring, like: … Continue reading

Quick Fixes For Snoring

If you share a bed with a spouse who snores, you are losing precious sleep! In fact, by your fiftieth wedding anniversary, you’ve lost around four years worth of sleep. Amazing! That breaks down to about one year of sleep lost for every twelve years you share a bed with a snorer. When you aren’t getting enough risk, you’re at risk for all kinds of things. Lack of sleep contributes to mood problems and memory problems. If you aren’t resting enough, you may be less alert during the day — that makes you more likely to be involved in car … Continue reading

A Look at Tonsil and Adenoid Problems

There are many different things that can affect the tonsils and adenoids. The following are a few of the more common issues. Difficulty breathing due to enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids — these obstructions can cause snoring and disturbed sleep. Some orthodontists believe that mouth breathing (thanks to large tonsils and adenoids) can cause malformations of the face and poor teeth alignment. Symptoms include breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, noisy breathing, recurring ear infections, snoring, and sleep apnea. Chronic infection that affects the ear — infection can enter the Eustachian tube (the passage between the back of the … Continue reading