Relieving Depression in Seniors

If an older person in your care is diagnosed with depression, you may find it difficult to treat. Many seniors are resistant to the idea of being labeled as “mentally ill” and may refuse to participate in treatment. Antidepressant medications tend to work well in senior citizens, but they’re only part of the treatment. As my own doctor has told me, medication gets you to a stable place where therapy can actually help (and help keep you stable). One drawback of using antidepressants is the side effects. Dizziness can lead to falls — a leading cause of death for seniors. … Continue reading

A Day in the Life of a Nurse: Surrounded By Angels

From The Heart As I gazed upon the group of girls that I work with running through my mind were many thoughts. I watched each one of them interact with the residents and notice the care that they give and the way that their hands moved toward them with gentleness. I see which girls made extra special efforts in the care of the residents that they were given charge of for the day and make a mental note to tell that person later on about what a good job they did. I listen to how they speak to the resident … Continue reading