Restless Legs Syndrome: Treatment

Movement can bring temporary relief to people with restless legs syndrome. However, some cases of RLS can be controlled by finding and treating any underlying disorders, like neuropathy, arthritis, or diabetes. In patients without an underlying disorder, treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. Preventing restless legs syndrome symptoms: Decrease the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Reduce tobacco use. Correct iron deficiencies with diet and supplements. Correct other deficiencies — like folate or magnesium — with diet and supplements. Maintain a regular sleep pattern. Some patients find that sticking to a regular schedule can help reduce symptoms. Others find that symptoms are … Continue reading

Restless Legs Syndrome: Causes

In most cases of restless legs syndrome, the cause is simply unknown. Despite extensive research, there is no one cause for the disease. However, there are some common factors in many of the cases. Restless legs syndrome may run in families, suggesting a genetic form of the disorder. People with familial or primary RLS tend to experience symptoms at an earlier age. The disease seems to progress more slowly in familial RLS cases. Restless legs syndrome can develop as a result of another condition (a chronic disease like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and others); the other condition can make the RLS … Continue reading

Restless Legs Syndrome: Overview

As many as twelve million Americans may suffer from restless legs syndrome (RLS). This neurological disorder causes unpleasant creeping, crawling, burning, pulling, or itching sensations that make it difficult to relax or rest. These sensations can make it almost impossible to stay still. Restless legs syndrome can be difficult to diagnose; some experts believe that RLS is underdiagnosed and may affect more than twelve million people in the United States. Why? Because some people with mild symptoms may not seek medical assistance. Some doctors misdiagnose the problem as nervousness, stress, insomnia, muscle cramps, or arthritis. Common symptoms of RLS include: … Continue reading

ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

My son Jeremiah is 4 years old and has had sleeping difficulties from the day I became his adoptive mother at the age of 1 year. Last April he and I spent the night at Oregon Health and Sciences University to have a Sleep Study done. The results have been interesting and the next step will be a Tonsillectomy in order to correct obstructive sleep apnea. Our hope is to avoid a diagnosis and the treatment that goes along with ADHD. The National Sleep Foundation estimates 30-40 million Americans have sleep disorders affecting health and daily functioning. This may be … Continue reading

Sleep Disorders

Trying to get to sleep every night? But just not getting the rest you feel you need? There may be a medical reason why you cannot get enough sleep. Most sleep disorders can be diagnosed fairly easily and treated, so the faster you get medical help the sooner you can get back to sleep! The most common sleep disorders are: Sleep Apnea. This is a disorder where people stop breathing for 10 seconds or more, many times a night. When they stop breathing they wake up, resume breathing, fall back asleep and the cycle repeats itself. By continuously waking up … Continue reading