Your Skin in Your 50s

Once menopause hits, you can expect your skin to change dramatically. The average age at which a woman reaches menopause is fifty-one… so your fifties is a time for big changes! Some changes you can expect in your skin in your fifties: The cell turnover slowdown that started in the forties continues into the next decade and beyond — the dead skin cells are slower to leave and the new cells are slower to replace them. This can leave skin looking dull and feeling dry. Skin is much dryer, thanks to the body’s hormonal changes and continuing cell turnover slowdown. … Continue reading

How to Pluck Your Eyebrows

Just the phrase — “plucking your eyebrows” — makes some people cringe. But it doesn’t have to be painful self torture. Really! Wash your face with warm water. You don’t have to scrub or wash roughly, just a gentle wash will do. Pat your face dry. Put some lotion on your forehead and eyebrows to help keep the skin soft. Check the direction of hair growth. Generally, the eyebrow hair grows outward from the nose to the hairline. You can use eyeliner or an eyebrow pencil to mark out where you want to pluck and where you want to leave … Continue reading

Shrink Your Pores

Large pores aren’t harmful — they’re just annoying. When your pores get clogged with dead skin cells and skin oil (sebum), they start to stretch and sag. If the pores fill up with sebum, the oil can oxidize and turn dark, which makes the pores more visible. Large pores can happen just about anywhere, but you may see them in places where your skin is oilier than others; I tend to get large pores on my nose. If you don’t like the way large pores look, here are some tips to shrink them a bit. Keep your skin clean! If … Continue reading

Six Winter Skin Savers

Many people have a harder time with their skin during the winter months than any other time of the year! Here are some tips to help keep your largest organ happy during cold weather. Number one: keep up with your moisturizer… especially in the places where you tend to have problems. For me, I find my winter problem spots are the forehead, the knees and elbows, and the feet. And I’m good about applying lotion to my face after I shower… I’m not always so good about the other spots. And they show it! Number two: keep wearing your sunscreen. … Continue reading


A few months ago, I was at the doctor’s office getting a cat bite checked, and the doctor noticed a reddish rash on my arms. She was pretty sure that the rash was folliculitis. Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles. Our bodies are covered in hair, and every hair grows out of a tiny pouch in the skin. That pouch is called the follicle. Any part of the body that has hair can develop folliculitis; it is most commonly seen on the face, scalp, and places rubbed by clothing like the thighs. Folliculitis is usually caused by bacteria … Continue reading

Spring Beauty Tips

Spring has sprung! The trees are in bloom… and it’s time for you to bloom too. Are you ready to turn your best face towards the sun? These beauty tips can help rejuvenate you all over! Keep your skin soft by reducing the amount of soap you use. Most of the body can get clean with just a rinse; focus your soap on the face, underarms, feet, groin, and rear end. Use a mesh puff to apply soap, rather than the bar itself — the soap will foam more so you can lather up well with less. Always soap up … Continue reading

Oprah’s Favorite Things 2007 – Part 1

Once again, Oprah has announced her favorite things. In case you missed it, here they are: Samsung Progressive HD Camcorder SC-HMX10C I guess this is somewhat affordable for a camcorder at $799.99, but I am not a big fan of camcorders. However, Oprah is, saying, “My first favorite thing is state of the art and I carried it around with me all through Macon.” It is high-definition and records to a chip, so you can easily download it to your computer. Maybe it would be cool, if Oprah gave me one. Ugg Australia Crochet Tall Boot Apparently, this is the … Continue reading


The herb agrimony is perhaps best known for its ability to soothe throats — singers and speakers may gargle with this spicy-smelling herb before a performance to refresh and clear the throat. But agrimony may be useful for much more than that! Agrimony has a long and somewhat strange history. Ancient herbalists mixed agrimony with pounded frogs and human blood to cure internal hemorrhages. Somehow, I doubt that one worked. In ancient Greece, the herb was used for relieving eye problems. Anglo-Saxons used agrimony to heal wounds and called it “garclive”. Agrimony was also mixed with mugwort and vinegar to … Continue reading

Erase Signs of Aging With Retinoids

Research points to retinoids — vitamin A derivatives — as the best age erasers out there. Retinoids can smooth fine lines, fade dark spots, and help make pores look smaller. However, retinoids can cause skin irritation. Here are some tips for using retinols in your skin care. Start slow — choose an over-the-counter product with retinol. These products contain retinoic acid that works more slowly but irritates skin less. Give it time; improvement may take up to twelve weeks. Choose a period of time when you have no major events coming. You might not want to risk the irritation around … Continue reading