How to Save Money on Lipstick

Did you know that during the worst economic times, sales of lipstick tend to go up? This is because lipstick can be a little affordable luxury that makes women feel good without having to spend a lot of money. Lipstick has gotten a bit fancy these days, though, and all of the special formulas can come with a special price, making lipstick more pricey than it was in years past. Still there are ways to save money on lipstick, no matter what your favorite type or color. Rescuing a Bad Lipstick Sometimes you buy a lipstick on impulse, you get … Continue reading

Six Ways to Save Money on Makeup

Looking good really doesn’t have to cost a fortune… though you might not know it from walking the beauty counters at a department store, or a specialty makeup store. Talk about sticker shock! (Some of those places need to keep smelling salts by the door to revive folks after they faint from looking at prices!) It’d be easy to say: skip the makeup entirely and save a ton of cash. But sometimes, a touch of makeup is the icing on the cake! The cake is pretty good already, but frosting goes the extra mile into stunning. If wearing makeup makes … Continue reading

Beauty on the Run

There is nothing worse than waking up late and having to quick get ready and rush out the door. This is especially true if you are a mother and have kids to also get going. No one likes to step outside without looking somewhat put together. So what can you do to create beauty on the run? When it comes to makeup, less is more. It really is true. I do enjoy putting on my eye shadow on some days but there are other days where I really don’t have time to mess with it. If I am in a … Continue reading

Are Your Healthy Gifts Helpful or Hurtful?

Giving gifts at the holidays says to friends and family: you’re important. I care about you. I remember you. But sometimes, the gift you choose has an unintended second message: you’re out of shape. You’re unhealthy. You don’t look good. I once had a friend give me a gift certificate for a facial. I’d never had a facial before, never wanted a facial. But I went and got it anyway, and it turned out to be a really negative experience. I’d much rather get an open-ended gift certificate — the particular salon offered a variety of services, many of which … Continue reading

Spring Beauty Tips

Spring has sprung! The trees are in bloom… and it’s time for you to bloom too. Are you ready to turn your best face towards the sun? These beauty tips can help rejuvenate you all over! Keep your skin soft by reducing the amount of soap you use. Most of the body can get clean with just a rinse; focus your soap on the face, underarms, feet, groin, and rear end. Use a mesh puff to apply soap, rather than the bar itself — the soap will foam more so you can lather up well with less. Always soap up … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: February 4th Through February 10th

From storing apples and using alternatives to expensive “green bags” to saving money at work, this past week has some very interesting articles. Here is the Frugal Living week in review for February 4th through February 10th. February 4th Do You Need “Green Bags?” Have you seen those new “green bags?” So far, I’ve seen them only on commercials and info-mercials. They are plastic bags that are meant for keeping produce fresh. The bags appear to be made of a lightweight plastic and are tinted green. In the commercial, the smiling lady offers examples of fruits and vegetables that have … Continue reading