Curvy and Healthy

Lately I have been hearing the phrase “curvy” used more and more. Some say it is just a kind way of saying you are fat. But others believe its time to bring back the old-fashioned way of referring to someone who has an hourglass shape. I think it’s important to get one thing straight. Not everyone is supposed to be skinny. Curves in themselves aren’t bad. But one area that needs to be addressed is the middle. Belly fat is extremely unhealthy and increases the risk of serious diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Although … Continue reading

Get your Daily Dose of Vitamin D

I don’t give my daughter the liquid vitamin supplement that many pediatricians recommend. I’m always in favor of doing less – less vaccines, less medicine, less supplements. To be honest, I don’t think my breast milk needs any supplementing. I take plenty of vitamin D, and I eat a healthy diet. I know that people say vitamin D doesn’t pass through breast milk, but I have hard time believing that alcohol passes through, eating lots of broccoli can make her gassy, but vitamin D won’t get into my milk. Anyways, none of these random thoughts are the main reason I’m … Continue reading

FDA Approves Cancer Drug for Canines

When our four-legged friends battle cancer, they often do it using the same medications used to fight cancer in humans. Until this week, human cancer drugs were the only type of cancer drug available to veterinarians. But now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Palladia — a drug made specifically for treating cancer in dogs. Palladia was made to treat cutaneous mast cell tumors — a type of cancer that is to blame for approximately one out of every five cases of skin cancer in dogs. Some of these tumors are small and easily removed; in some dogs, … Continue reading

Cool as a Cucumber Vegetable Juice and a Super Summer Salad

Fresh fruits often get top billing during the hot summer months, but let’s not forget the power of vegetables. When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back our entire family got a crash course in Nutrition 101. Her doctors recommended that she revamp her diet and add more vegetables. The following recipe for Vegetable Juice was given to her by a dietician, who told her that if she drank one glass each morning it would be the equivalent of eating two huge dinner salads. So, if you are looking for an efficient and effective ways to … Continue reading

Protect Your Skin with UPF Clothing

As I’ve been driving around lately, I keep seeing billboards advertising SPF clothing. Since the Northern Hemisphere is officially starting summer on June 21st (though it may feel differently in some parts of the country), it’s a good time to look at skin protection! Basically, sun protective clothing uses fabric to protect your skin from the sun. Sounds simple, right? Sun protective clothing was developed in Australia in the 1990s. Why Australia? That country has the highest skin cancer numbers in the whole world — two out of three Australians will be treated for skin cancer during their lifetimes according … Continue reading

Celebrities and Skin Cancer

Being a self-professed “tanaholic” (blame it on the fact that I was born and raised in Hawaii) I often worry that my days of basting (with baby oil) and baking as a teen might come back to haunt me. These days every time I notice an irregular mole or a raised freckle I speed dial my dermatologist. It doesn’t matter that now (years later) as a mother I am extremely vigilant about protecting my skin (and my family’s), the damage is done. All I can do now is hope and pray that I didn’t sustain irreparable damage. And I know … Continue reading

The F Factor Diet

“Fiber and protein at every meal makes losing weight no big deal” according to Tanya Zuckerbrot, dietitian, nutritionist and mother of three. Every diet has a key. The key to this one is fiber. The F Factor. According to Zuckerbrot, “The American Dietetic Association recommends that Americans get between 25 and 30 grams (of fiber) a day. The average American is only getting between nine and 11 grams a day. The F-Factor Diet recommends 35 grams of fiber a day, and while that might seem overwhelming, it’s actually quite easy to do.” Zuckerbrot recommends kicking off each day with a … Continue reading

How You Can Fight Breast Cancer

You are the expert when it comes to your breasts. You have the power to make choices that can protect you against breast cancer. Here are some things you can do to fight breast cancer on a personal level and on a global level! Educate yourself. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women — right behind non-melanoma skin cancer. Many women have no risk factors besides being female and aging. Keep up with the latest news and statistics from Susan G. Komen for the Cure ( and the American Cancer Society ( Help educate others! Spread … Continue reading

An Apple A Day Keeps Cancer Away

In a previous blog I recounted our recent trip to a local apple orchard. Despite my concerns about the farm’s pricing structure, we had a great time and left with more apples than we could possibly consume. In fact, if the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is really true I should be able to keep my daughter out of the pediatrician’s office until next summer. Kidding aside, the health benefits associated with apples are serious business. Studies show eating apples can reduce a number of diseases. And with apple harvest season in full swing there’s no … Continue reading

Other Ways To Get Your Daily Water

Confession time! I usually don’t like drinking just water. Iced tea, lemonade, drink mixes — sure! Plain water? Only if there’s nothing else. But our bodies need water, and lots of it. The recommended daily amount of water in your diet is between eight and eleven glasses; that’s a whopping sixty-four ounces or more! Some benefits of water: Keeps your skin soft and supple. Keeps you feeling energized, especially on hot days. Keeps your body running at its best. Remember — if you’re feeling thirsty, you are probably already on your way to being dehydrated. Keeping a water bottle at … Continue reading