Six Winter Skin Savers

Many people have a harder time with their skin during the winter months than any other time of the year! Here are some tips to help keep your largest organ happy during cold weather. Number one: keep up with your moisturizer… especially in the places where you tend to have problems. For me, I find my winter problem spots are the forehead, the knees and elbows, and the feet. And I’m good about applying lotion to my face after I shower… I’m not always so good about the other spots. And they show it! Number two: keep wearing your sunscreen. … Continue reading

Skin Toners

I became a fan of skin toners after acting in a Halloween show. I was playing a witch, and they had done me up a la the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz: green skin and all. With all that makeup on my face, neck, and hands, I was sure I was going to end up breaking out. Another actress in the show offered me an aloe-based cleanser and skin toner for clean-up. I wasn’t sure if it would help, but figured it wouldn’t hurt. I used the cleanser and toner faithfully every night after the … Continue reading

Skin Care Myths: More is Better

In the case of skin care products, you CAN have too much of a good thing. It’s time to bust a few myths about how much product you need! Myth #1: If you layer on more SPF products, you’ll have more protection. Alas, no. Sun protection isn’t cumulative. Your total protection is only as high as the highest SPF product you’ve used. So if you have an SPF 30 sunscreen and an SPF 15 moisturizer, you’re still only getting the protection of SPF 30. Myth #2: Blobbing on more of a product will make it work even faster. Actually, using … Continue reading

Reading Beauty Labels: What is Glycerin?

I’m a reader; always have been, always will be. You put something with words on it in front of me and I’ll end up reading it. I was reading the ingredients on a bottle of lotion (usually I’m looking to see what kind of fragrance it has — natural or synthetic) when I noticed that the second ingredient was glycerin. I’ve you’ve tried making your own soap at home, you may already be familiar with glycerin (or glycerol). It’s popular in soap because it acts as a humectant — it attracts moisture to the skin. Check your labels — glycerin … Continue reading

Best Beauty Products at the Best Prices

(CC)image by Akira Ohgaki/flickr The Today show recently did a show segment about the best cosmetics on the market. The best part about it was that none of these products the prices that the rich and fabulous pay for their cosmetics. It is good to know that even those on a budget can look beautiful without breaking the bank. Here are some of the great products they mentioned plus a few of my own personal secrets. St Ives Apricot Scrub is a product I have been using since my teenage years. I had no idea it was one of the … Continue reading

If You Do What You Can Tolerate – The Money Will Follow… Eventually

In a previous blog entry I talked about “finding your passion, or faking it until you make it.” Another popular phrase in the home business world is… “if you love what you do, the money will follow”. Well, although that makes a great motivational poster or Hallmark card caption, it isn’t always that easy. When I look back at my at-home career, the catch phrase would more likely be, “If you do what you can tolerate, the money will follow…eventually.” One of my absolute favorite things to do in my spare time is to play with clay. I make magnets, … Continue reading