Slowing Down the Look of Aging

As I grow closer and closer to 50, I worry more and more about my skin. I thought my skin was bad when I was 30 – if I had only known then what I knew now! But, there are some things you can do (or not do) to help your skin not look as old – even at my age. Some things you can do are rather obvious. One is put on sunscreen every day. Yes, I said every day. Not just when you are gardening, not just when you are going to the beach – every day. That’s … Continue reading

A Push for Safe Beauty Products

As I’ve warned before, your beauty products may be doing you harm.  Right now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t approve ingredients used in beauty products before they hit the shelves.  Instead, that responsibility of safety falls on the beauty product companies.  Still, there could be lead in your lipstick, lead acetate in your hair dye, and even formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane in you baby’s shampoo. But, that may change soon.  The Safe Cosmetics Act was introduced in 2011.  The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is hoping to convince the House of Representatives to support this bill, which would require … Continue reading

Green up Your Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day to honor all those that have served in the military. It is also a day when a lot of people will have family and friends over and grill out. (This image is from MorgueFile.) But, you can still be green while doing all of this. If you are going to visit a loved one’s grave, take real flowers. I know a lot of people tend to purchase plastic flowers because they last longer, but real flowers will naturally decompose, whereas plastic flowers will eventually have to be removed by the groundskeepers and who knows when … Continue reading

How many bags of flour do you need to lose?

Before I knew it, I gained a great bit of weight. I remember being discouraged at the prospect of losing fifteen pounds. After being underweight, then working out and getting into shape, it was a hard adjustment to have a baby and find myself fifteen pounds overweight. At time went on and I worked out less consistently and had three more kids, I continued to gain weight. A variety of factors played into my weight gain such as not watching what I eat, not working out, and my metabolism slowing down due to age and having babies. So, here I … Continue reading

Before or After?

It’s unofficially baby shower week here on the pregnancy blog. If you haven’t done so already, read about whether or not you should get a second baby shower and whether you have to play shower games, Monday and Tuesday’s topics, respectively. Earlier this week I was speaking with a friend about planning – you guessed it – a baby shower. Apparently someone suggested that our pregnant friend should have the shower after the baby was born, and others insisted she have it before. So which is better: before or after? I’m going to go on the record and say that … Continue reading

Are you really “multi-tasking” – or just doing several things poorly all at once?

If you’ve worked from home for awhile now, you’ve probably come to recognize that time management is key. I am the multi-tasking queen. Once, I managed to talk to a customer, change a diaper and pour bubble bath solution into a running tub all at once. Pretty impressive, huh? Not really. The problem with multi-tasking is that you really aren’t paying enough attention to the tasks at hand. While you might feel like you are getting a lot done, your children are getting short-changed (pardon the pun) while you are talking on the phone, and your customer is getting poor … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review for December 9-15

Here we are, just over 2 weeks into December and closing in on Christmas. December started off hectic for me and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down – though my vow to keep things simple has actually paid off a great deal. Yesterday was the capper to the week as we celebrated the holidays at my daughter’s school, gave out gifts and delivered gently used items to charity and more. My husband is back to work and while he is still not 100% recovered, he is doing great and enjoying getting around more. We’ve got a lot to do … Continue reading

Age and Driving

How old is too old to drive? Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up your license and independence; your health and mental state are more important to your ability to drive than the number of candles on your cake. General effects of aging include muscle weakness, joint stiffness, and reduced flexibility. Your reflexes start to slow down, too. All these things together may give you trouble turning the steering wheel or using the brakes. Severe arthritis may make it hard for you to grip the wheel or look over your shoulder to check for oncoming traffic. Night … Continue reading

Computer Scrapbooking (2)

When getting into computer or digital scrapbooking, there are some things you need beyond what I discussed in this article. You are also in need of some good software, so here are some tips on finding the software that is right for you, and your needs. We are scrapbookers, so an important features we are looking for are clip art programs, font programs, photo editing software, digital scrapbooking software and probably a good text editor. For Clip Art Programs: Creating Keepsakes has some great computer clip art! You can purchase it in CD format and they typically come mixed with … Continue reading