Stay Awake (and Alive) on the Road

It’s a holiday weekend here in the United States — and lots of people are taking an end-of-summer trip. The roads were extra crowded yesterday and this morning as people headed out of town for summer’s last hurrah. One danger of road trips is getting sleepy when you’re behind the wheel. And it isn’t just vacationers who are at risk! Folks who work third shift, people who drive long distances every day, and people who don’t get enough sleep are at risk for heavy eyelids while on the road. Here are some things you can do to help stay awake … Continue reading

Missing Our Son on the Big Drive

One of the things that inevitably happens when we take a long trip is that I don’t get to see much of our son. Most of the time this would be because of my job as the driver, eyes fixated on the road, while he sits in the back. It is painful to not be able to interact with him on such a drive (our long drives are 15 hours straight). I never knew how much I appreciated that minimal contact, though, until we were moving. With his aunt coming down to help us pack (and, thankfully, ride back in … Continue reading

I’m a Foster (Cat) Mom!

It was an ordinary Friday last afternoon as I headed out to run errands. I stopped at the recycling place first before heading on to PetSmart to get Valentine’s Day gifts for Murph’s buddies, Sophie and Lady. But on my way there I saw something in the road. The SUV in front of me swerved to miss it, and ran over it–that’s when the little cat looked up and over her shoulder as if to say, “What the heck’s going on?” (The wheels missed her, just the undercarriage went over her.) And that’s when I realized, “Oh my God! She’s … Continue reading