ADHD and Medication: Finding the Right Dose

If your child is on stimulant therapy for ADHD, finding the right dose can be difficult. Every child is an individual who will respond physically and mentally to medication in different ways. Even when a dosage has been working well for some time, it will likely need to be adjusted as your child grows and develops. The difference between the correct dose and an incorrect one can make all the difference in your child’s outlook. Finding a dose that will benefit your child requires a triangular partnership between you as the parent, your child’s pediatrician, and your child’s teacher. What … Continue reading

The Genetic Risks for Inheriting (or Passing Down) ADHD

Sometimes when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, the parent thinks, “I remember having similar problems in school,” or “My brother and I had the same behaviors when we were kids.” Often people don’t recognize their own symptoms of ADHD until their child is diagnosed. Yet statistics show that when a child is diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) there is two to eight times increased risk that one of the parents also has the condition. Evidence has shown a strong genetic link indicating that ADHD is passed through families. Even though some environmental factors may play a minor role … Continue reading

“Mom, I need the car keys.” The ADHD Teenager & Driving

As a mom of teenagers, I soon face the dilemma of sharing the car keys. It’s a scary thing to think about. In just a few months, I’ll be able to watch my oldest child get into a vehicle and drive down the street. Yikes! I can already imagine the thoughts I’ll be grappling with… ”Will he remember to drive responsibly? Is he going to be distracted? Will he come back home, safe and sound?” As parents, we have very good reason to be concerned. The scary reality is that vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among youth … Continue reading

Will My Child Outgrow ADHD? Looking Ahead to the Teenage Years

Since many of the behaviors associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are child-like, including impulsivity and forgetfulness, often parents suppose (or hope) that their child will eventually grow out of it. But statistically, your son or daughter with ADHD is likely to struggle with the condition well into the teenage years and beyond. And some children are not even diagnosed until adolescence. That’s because what seemed initially like childish recklessness becomes a more obvious concern as the child matures and cannot stop the behaviors. Studies have shown that 80% of children with ADHD will continue to have symptoms of inattention, … Continue reading

Stimulant Therapy for ADHD

Stimulant therapy is one of the most popular treatments for adults and children with ADHD. You’ve probably heard of drugs like Ritalin and Adderall; these psychostimulants help regulate impulsive behavior and improve attention span in adults, adolescents, and children with moderate to severe ADHD. So what do psychostimulants do? They help your brain increase levels of chemicals like epinephrine and norepineprhine — these chemicals transmit signals between nerves. The end result is that you can focus better, pay attention longer, and rein in those impulses. Stimulant therapy works in approximately seventy percent of adults and up to eighty percent of … Continue reading

ADHD: To Medicate or not to Medicate–That is the Question

Not long ago I received written warnings about my two stepdaughters’ ADHD medication in the mail. It was sent to me by Rite Aid pharmacy, where I pick up their meds. I decided to investigate the issue further. In April of 2006, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that the FDA had voted to issue a “black box warning” for patients taking controlled substances as a treatment for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). (The vote had a narrow margin of eight to seven.) What happened was that the FDA had decided to take a closer look at the potential cardiovascular … Continue reading