The Multitasking Apple

This fall, stock up on inexpensive apples and make them work hard for you while they save you money. The key is get the apples as cheaply as possible and use them for more than one purpose or use as much of the apple as possible. One of my favorite ways to do this is to get five or six large apples, and peel them, trying to make sure that I get a few good long peels in the process. I cut the apples and then place them in the crockpot with 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of sugar … Continue reading

Trace Your Family’s Health History With Welch’s

Have you started working on your medical family tree yet? It might be somewhat uncomfortable to start asking your relatives to tell you details about their health and medical problems. That can be awkward enough to make many genealogists put off doing this task. However, knowing your family’s health history is very important. To help you out, Welch’s has created a free, easy to use, online tool to help you get started on your family health history. Welch’s, of course, is the company that is known for it’s great tasting grape juice. They use Concord and Niagara grapes in their … Continue reading

Teen Candy Beggars: Trick or Treat?

A couple of years ago I blogged the question: How old is too old to trick-or-treat? If you are not fond of handing out treats to six-foot-tall kids dressed as killer tomatoes on Halloween, then you might consider moving to the St. Louis suburb of Belleville, Illinois, or any of other town in this candy-laden country of ours where teen trick-or-treaters have been officially banned from the streets on October 31st. Belleville Mayor Mark Eckert is a straight shooter, who doesn’t mince words when it comes to explaining why his community put the kibosh on teen trick-or-treaters: “When I was … Continue reading

Halloween: Orange, Black and Green

The problem with buying reduced priced Halloween candy so early in October (you know, so you can cross it off your to-do list) is that you end up eating chocolate bars for breakfast. So much for being healthy… or green. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), my sugar-coated purchase is not doing a thing to help the planet… or my waistline. This year the EWG is encouraging parents across the nation to add some green to the black and orange Halloween mix by following some simple tips, including: Make Your Own Costume: The EWG discourages purchasing new Halloween getups … Continue reading

What are you teaching your children about weight?

Children learn by watching their parents. Even though there are many things competing for our children’s attention and devotion in the end parental influence reigns supreme. Parental influence is the greatest factor in how a child behaves and the choices he comes to make. Sure there are exceptions to every rule and this is not a blame on parents for mislead children. However, parents must heed warning that children are always watching and looking to use for guidance in all things. As such what do parents teach their children about weight and body image? Children of overweight parents are twice … Continue reading

The Skinny on Fat: Dangers of Hydrogentated Oils Part 2

Read Your Labels! To avoid partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils you need to vigilant when reading your labels. Do not be deceived by health foods or alternatives to butter as many of these products also contain partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. Many health and protein bars contain hydrogenated oils. I have put my share back on the shelf after reading the ingredient label. Benecol and other margarine spreads that boast a healthier alterative to butter are not what they claim. Want an easy tip sheet on how to avoid hydrogenated oils? Here is a list of foods that normally contain … Continue reading

Yes the words “Cheesecake” and “Low Fat” can be used together: Part 2

Here is a recipe from Paula Dean from the Food Network. I am normally not one to find recipes from the Food Network since most seem difficult, expensive or require ingredients I need to search the globe to buy. However, this recipe for Joanne’s Almost Fat-free Lemon Cheesecake , is fairly easy to make and requires only a simple trip to your local grocer for ingredients. Ingredients Crust: Cooking spray 1 3/4 cups fat-free vanilla wafer cookie crumbs, or any fat-free cookie crumbs of your choice 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted Filling: 3 (8-ounce) packages fat-free cream cheese 1 cup … Continue reading

What To Do With Your Kid’s Gross Halloween Candy?

I suppose “gross” is a relative term, but when it comes to Circus Peanuts, Laffy Taffy and Wax Bottle candy, I exercise my parental veto power, and liberally toss out my daughter’s Halloween treats without an ounce of guilt. Actually, this year we will be donating unwanted Halloween candy to a group, which will distribute the sweet treats to children who are unable to go trick-or-treating. Other individuals are embracing the share-your-Halloween-candy concept as well. For example, dentists in New Hampshire, New Jersey and Iowa are redefining the phrase “put your money where your mouth is.” The dental experts are … Continue reading

Appley Ever After: Enjoying Fall Apples With Your Baby

I love fall apples. They are crisp and new, a little tart, a little sweet. They are a delight in every way, and so different from the dull apples that you find on store shelves at the beginning of spring. There are so many ways to celebrate fall with your baby. How can you enjoy fall apples? Visit a farmer’s market or even a local apple farm. In our area, this means a drive, but if you have a little one who is up to the challenge, put him in the baby carrier and head out apple picking! It’s never … Continue reading

How to Make Your Own Baby Food

There is a lot to be said for making your own baby food. Not only is fresh food better for your baby than commercial jarred and preserved food, but it is often less expensive to make baby food yourself. There are a few things that you need to know, however, to keep your baby safe and provide good nutrition. First make sure that before cooking you scrub vegetables and fruits very well using a vegetable brush. You may want to choose organic produce to reduce the chance of pesticides getting into your baby’s body. Also be careful of feeding certain … Continue reading