PMS and Marriage

Have you ever noticed that at a certain time of the month, your husband just starts doing everything he can to annoy you? He talks weird and he walks weird and he smells funny, and he leaves his socks on the floor and he doesn’t check the mail, and you can tell him something six times, and he doesn’t get it, and you just want to grab him by the neck and shake him? And then he looks at you and says, “Is it that time of the month?” which only makes you want to shake him more, because he’s … Continue reading

Supplements That Can Relieve PMS Symptoms

There are a lot of wonderful things about being a woman… but I don’t think PMS is all that great. If you look forward to the bloating, the cramps, the aches, and the irritability, you don’t have to keep reading this one. However, if you’re looking to relieve the many and varied symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, here are some supplements that can help. Vitamin B6 can help relieve symptoms like mood swings, water retention, bloating, breast tenderness, weird cravings, and fatigue. However, in large doses, vitamin B6 can be toxic. Talk to your doctor before increasing your vitamin B6 intake … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Boron?

There are many trace elements that the body needs — but only in very small amounts. Boron is one of them. Boron is easily found in the environment: in soil, the ocean, and plants. Green veggies, fruits, and nuts are excellent food sources of boron, and most people get all the boron they need from diet alone. This mineral is thought to help the body use glucose (blood sugar), fats, and other minerals like calcium and magnesium. Boron has been suggested for treating a variety of medical conditions. However, it hasn’t done very well in clinical trials. Hormone regulation: boron … Continue reading

Migraines and Hormones

My mother was around my age when she started having migraines. I’m starting to consider the fact that some of my splitting headaches recently are the result of monthly hormone changes. Symptoms of migraine can include: Moderate to severe pain (may be a pounding, throbbing pain) that may shift from one side to the other or affect the whole head. Sensitivity to light, noise, and/or odors Blurred vision Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain Loss of appetite Sensations of heat or cold Dizziness Fatigue Aura — seeing bright, flashing lights or dots, blind spots, and/or wavy lines I’ve definitely been … Continue reading