Staying Home Sick

What started off in my daughter as a slight sniffly nose quickly turned into a full-fledged flu. I initially blamed the clear snot on teething, but it became obvious that it was more than that. The stream got thicker, her eyes became watery, her breathing rattled, and she was extremely cranky. Each time she woke up from a nap, she spit up a huge amount of what looked like snot. Deciding it probably wasn’t good for her to have it draining down her throat all night, I decided to sleep with her on the recliner in our living room. It … Continue reading

Deciphering Skin Care Labels

It is important to read the label — on the food you eat AND on the things you put on your body. A lot of products make a lot of claims… but what do they all mean? According to the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, there are no standard definitions for terms like “hypoallergenic” or “fragrance free”. Each company is allowed to interpret (and use) label terminology as they like. Dermatologist tested generally means that a skin specialist has tested the product. However, the test itself can vary. The dermatologist may have asked employees to try the product. The dermatologist … Continue reading

The Ultimate Travel Tipster

Everyone who travels has accumulated a few horror stories that they recycle among friends and family. You know the ones that start with “You’ll never believe what happened when…” and end with “… and that’s the last time I ever do that again.” Often it’s through our own (and others’) misfortunes that we gain the most valuable travel tips. So where does that leave Peter Greenberg? Most of us know Greenberg as the intrepid travel editor on NBC’s “Today” show, CNBC, and the Travel Channel. The 57-year-old “travel expert” says he logs about 400,000 miles a year and has compiled … Continue reading

Voice Changes Aren’t Just For Puberty!

Did you know that your voice can change throughout your life? Talking too much for too long can strain your voice; too much strain can lead to permanent change in your voice. You may end up with a deeper and/or raspier voice. Some women find that their voices start to change and deepen in their thirties. So what can you do to protect your golden tones? Make room for some quiet time in every day. The more you talk, the more often you should give your voice a break — like if you are a teacher or work in sales. … Continue reading

Travel Tips For Allergy Sufferers

The countdown to summer vacation is on and if you are like most families you are likely planning a family trip to somewhere fun and fabulous. Unfortunately, if you have allergies or asthma, the symptoms travel with you. Two of my brothers have asthma and I have severe allergies so our family trips usually meant schlepping around backpacks filled with various medications. If you have children with allergies or asthma or you suffer from the condition, it is important to plan ahead for any changes in the environment that may affect your allergies or asthma. Prior to leaving on extended … Continue reading