Tame that Bloated Belly

How’s your belly today? If you’re feeling a bit bloated, you’re not alone. There are a few different causes for bloating — like PMS, constipation, or gas — but the most common cause is simply a slow digestive system. Bad news, ladies: a slow digestive system is a common problem for women over the age of forty. If your puffed-up belly is making you feel uncomfortable and unattractive, here are some foods that can help! Combine your fibers. Studies have shown that eating two kinds of fiber together is the most effective way to keep things moving through your digestive … Continue reading

Too Much Turkey? Five Quick Remedies!

Thanksgiving Day is one holiday when overeating runs rampant. Let’s face it: most gatherings involve food in one way or another, but the Thanksgiving feast is the main event when it comes to pigging out. (Or should I say… turkeying out?) But before you eat your weight in turkey and then collapse onto the couch to watch football in a stupor, try these quick remedies to ease that overstuffed belly. Encourage gas… from either end. A loud belch or toot might not be polite for company, but it can ease the pressure in your over-full belly. Sip a fizzy drink … Continue reading