Child With Cancer Receives Medical Marijuana

A seven year old girl who lives in Oregon has leukemia. She is one of 52 children who qualifies through the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program to receive medical marijuana for pain, nausea, and cancer. Her mother approves of this, but her father does not. Medical marijuana is a controversial topic. Some states have made it legal for a person to use medical marijuana as a form of treatment for specific, serious, health conditions. Two states, Washington and Colorado, recently made it legal for a person to consume marijuana for any reason. The federal government, on the other hand, considers marijuana … Continue reading

Michigan’s Problem With Insurance and Medical Marijuana

The state of Michigan has a unique problem involving medical marijuana, workers compensation claims, and a law that requires auto insurers to be responsible for lifetime benefits. Insurers do not want to have to pay for a lifetime of medical marijuana for someone. Medical marijuana sits in a grey area between legal and illegal. The federal government does not consider medical marijuana to be legal. However, several states think otherwise. In those states, medical marijuana is legal for people who have been given a prescription for it from their doctor. In general, this drug is prescribed for people who are … Continue reading

The Controversy of Medical Marijuana

The use of medical cannabis (marijuana) has long been a sensitive subject. Research has shown that the use of marijuana can help relieve the suffering of terminally ill patients. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved medical marijuana for use. Seems pretty cut and dry, right? Not so much. Since 1996, fourteen states – Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington – have approved the use of medical marijuana for patients who have a prescription for it. Okay, so now the patients with prescriptions in those … Continue reading

Should Gay Couples Adopt?

Even though my news alert folder has been filled with stories about this, I was not planning to write about it. I like to write about things that touch my heart in some way. I like to write about things that I can relate to a story from my past or something I’ve seen or read. I don’t want to go out of my way to be provocative and controversial. What is the controversial issue that I am so loath to cover, you might ask? Gay couples not being allowed to adopt. I’ve been getting stories from all over the … Continue reading