The Dairy Debate

You know those milk ads with all the famous people drinking milk to lose weight? I just don’t trust them. It’s the mustaches really. It has nothing to do with the actual claim. I can’t get past the ridiculous looking milk ‘staches to make an intelligent decision about their claim. I mean really, what kind of milk leaves that kind of mark? If they’re going to tell me that’s what youre supposed to look like (the face, not the body) when you drink milk, I just can’t take them seriously. It turns out a lot of other people can’t take … Continue reading

What Did Our Ancestors Eat?

We would like to think that we have evolved considerably since our earliest ancestors roamed the earth. However, as different as we are from those ancestors that lived so long ago there is some debate about whether our bodies have adapted to the foods that are available to us in modern society or whether we would fare better if we ate a diet that more closely resembled that of our early ancestors. Proponents of the Paleolithic Diet (commonly referred to as the Paleo Diet) believe that our bodies have not yet adapted to modern foods and can not utilize them … Continue reading

More Natural Remedies for a Sinus Infection

You may have noticed my ongoing fight against sinus infections. Whenever I get one, I start up my “sinus experiment”. The key component in my big plan is shooting salt water up my nose with a sinus rinse kit. It’s gross, but it really does work! I definitely wouldn’t have started doing it if an ear/nose/throat specialist hadn’t said it was that or another sinus surgery — the right motivation is everything. Now that I’ve seen it successfully fight off multiple sinus infections, I’ve been trying to get other people onto the sinus rinse bandwagon. If you can’t stomach the … Continue reading

Organic and Soy Milk Deals at Amazon

When we were kids, we went through milk like crazy. I remember my uncle having to go down in the morning to the dairy and again in the evening again because we’d already downed the two gallons from the morning. Of course, we had many, many children at home drinking it, and the milk was fresh from the local farms. It tasted much different then than the ultra-pasteurized and stored in plastic stuff that’s available in today’s grocery stores. We moved to Japan a few years ago and the only thing available that was considered “safe” by the local base … Continue reading

Do You Get a D in Your Fitness?

Do you get a D? I don’t mean a grade, I mean vitamin D – you know the stuff you find in milk? I’m a bit sensitive about vitamin D because I’m lactose intolerant and I just don’t have a lot of dairy in my diet. Recently, there have been separate studies that reveal that vitamin D is good for a lot more than just helping your bones and muscles absorb calcium. As it turns out – studies show that: Women who consume 1100 IU (international units) of vitamin D per day lowered their risk of cancer by as much … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: Been There, Done That, Can’t Fit into the T-Shirt

I’ve been overweight for about a dozen years. Like most people, I’ve tried just about everything. Some diets have been successful in the short run; others have been complete disasters. Does anyone remember the Pasta Diet? I gained six pounds in two weeks with that. I tried the meal replacement shakes. Ended up so sick the doc wanted to put me in the hospital. I just couldn’t stick with Atkins, and the pounds I did lose came right back on. The only diet that ever really worked was the Healthy Liver Diet, and my family refused to stay on it. … Continue reading