Hooray For Grandfathers

Father’s Day is this weekend, and it is time to celebrate all of the fathers in our lives and the lives of our children. If a child is lucky, he will have the opportunity to enjoy a relationship with not only his own father but the fathers of both of his parents. Unfortunately, I never met either of my grandfathers because they passed before I was born. I had a step – grandfather, but he passed before I was old enough to remember anything about him. My husband was able to enjoy a relationship with his grandfather when he was … Continue reading

Fathers & Food

Most of us have some memories of our mothers making and serving delicious foods, some every day, some just on the holidays. I grew up a very hungry person, well able to consume large pizzas in a single sitting. So I have compassion for hungry children. My wife was in an exciting, entertaining, and not a fun car accident, and while she recovers, I get to cook most of the household foods. There are some downsides to that. While I like quality, tasty foods, I get so hungry that don’t care, as long as it is healthy enough, rather than … Continue reading

Happy Father’s Day to Home-Based Professional Dads

It is Father’s Day weekend so it is a great time to acknowledge all of the dads out there that work from home. Whether they work full time or part time, these men have decided that the path of the home-based professional works for them. It takes hard work and dedication to be both a dad and a home-based professional, along with patience, adaptability and a whole lot more. In fact, many of the qualities that make a great dad are also qualities of successful home-based professionals. I am proud to say that in recent years, my dad has become … Continue reading

Book Review: Families Are Different

My last blog reviewed two books on families which showcase the diversity of families in gorgeous photographs of families, both doing everyday things and celebrating special events. Families Are Different was written and illustrated by Nina Pelligrini, a mother of two adopted daughters who said this book was inspired by feelings expressed by one of her daughters. The book’s characters are two daughters from Korea and their two white parents. With its simply-drawn illustrations and its matter-of-fact narration by one of children, the book is well-suited to younger children but makes a point that will be appreciated by older children … Continue reading

Low Fat Desserts

The New Year typically brings with it the resolution to drop a few pounds by eating healthier and working out more. Fortunately, there’s still a way to enjoy a sweet post-meal treat even if you have pledged to reduce your fat and calorie intake. The following low-fat desserts are simple to make and don’t skimp on flavor: LOW-FAT BANANA TRIFLE Ingredients: Angel food cake 1 box sugar-free vanilla instant pudding 2 containers Fat Free Cool Whip 4 ripe bananas 1/2 cup crushed Reduced Fat Nilla Wafers 2 1/2 cups Skim milk Directions: Cut cake in 1-inch squares. Prepare pudding with … Continue reading

Whole Grains and Belly Fat?

According to a study done on belly fat, whole grains were given a thumbs-up. A Penn State University professor concluded that if you eat a diet that is plentiful in whole grains along with several servings of fruits and vegetables, lean meat and low-fat dairy you would lose belly fat. He further discussed how this diet would change the glucose and insulin responses. Doing this will make fat stores less difficult to mobilize. The visceral fat, the fat that lies directly around your organs, apparently is much less difficult to lose than is subcutaneous fat. If eating a diet of … Continue reading

Different Kinds of Love

There are many different kinds of love. One is love for country. That is especially relevant today for Australians and New Zealanders, as we remember our Anzacs, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, sacrificing their lives in war so that we can live in freedom and in peace. There’s family love. We saw a lot of that as hundreds of people gathered at HMAS Cresswell navy base at dawn to remember loved ones who had been killed or injured in war. There were those remembering husbands, fathers, grandfathers, wives and mothers who served in the defense forces. Later in … Continue reading

Month in Review: May in the Adoption Blog, Part One

This month I reported on several conversations I’ve had with my kids. Three of them were basically the “how babies are made” conversations, humorous but revealing insights into what my kids thought at different ages. You can read what I responded at each age and decide if you do, or don’t, want to base my answers on yours! First I had to deal with my older son’s questions about babies and his shock to realize that not all of them (including himself!) were Korean. This story is told in Where Babies Come From, or, Don’t Fall Asleep on an Airplane. … Continue reading

The Different Kinds of Fat

It used to be that fat was the enemy. But the more we learn, the more we realize that there are some kinds of fat that our bodies do need! More important than the quantity of fat in your diet is the quality of the fat you consume. Experts suggest that between twenty and thirty-five percent of your daily calories should come from fat. But what type of fat is the best? Trans fat: probably the worst kind of fat out there. It raises your LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers your HDL (good cholesterol), raising your risk of heart disease … Continue reading

“Stop With The Fat Jokes”—Supermodel Tells Critics To Kiss Off

Did you see today’s episode of “The Tyra Banks Show?” Even if you didn’t, it’s likely you’ve seen the massive amount of press Banks has received regarding a single picture of her that has made the cover of tabloids around the world. The photo features the former supermodel in a bathing suit with the headline: “Tyra Porkchop.” Another magazine ran the photo of her under headlines that screamed, “America’s Next Top Waddle.” The unflattering photo of Banks was today’s featured topic on her talk show. Wearing the same bathing suit that prompted the mean-spirited headlines, Banks’ admitted she’d gained about … Continue reading