Live Below the Line

My son is in third grade and at his school; they have a saying “Are you living above the line or below the line?” Of course, above the line is doing good things and living below the line is doing bad things, so they encourage the children to live above the line. But, living below the line isn’t always a bad thing. There is a new campaign I just discovered called “Live Below the Line.” What line are they talking about? The poverty line. Live Below the Line is asking people to change their lives for just 5 days by … Continue reading

The Gates Donate $1.5 Billion to Maternal Health

We all know that Bill Gates has more money than God and Oprah put together, but it seems he tries to use at least part of it for good. Gates’ wife, Melinda announced this week that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is donating $1.5 billion to programs in developing countries to promote maternal and child health, including nutrition, vaccination, and family planning. In an interview with NPR’s Michele Norris, Melinda said, “We said AIDS is important, we said malaria is important, we’re saying now maternal and child deaths are important — and guess what? It’s actually possible to fix … Continue reading