Should You Get Your Dog A Flu Shot?

Today in “vaccines I didn’t know existed for dogs” (last time it was for Lyme disease): canine influenza. That’s right, you can get a flu shot for your dog. Pet website ZooToo takes a look at it. Apparently, dog flu is a thing. I have to say I’ve never heard of it, not the way I’ve heard about bird or even pig flus. The difference is that while those strains can pass to humans, canine influenza doesn’t. It’s basically just dogs getting the flu, in a particular strain that won’t infect us. So while we might have to worry about … Continue reading

How to Fit in Healthy Eating with a Busy Lifestyle

Is there anyone out there who isn’t super busy? Between work, family and home, it can be very difficult to fit in healthy eating. Here is an example, my daughter is trying out a competitive ice skating program. That means that we are usually at the rink at least four days a week. Wednesday is our long day, when we could be at the rink from nine in the morning until 1:30. Of course, the rink has a restaurant, and while it is conscious of offering healthier choices because it caters to a mostly athletic crowd, the fact is that … Continue reading

Ask the Right Questions

There are a lot of discussions, even medical studies, over issues like: how much alcohol can a woman consume during pregnancy? How many cups of coffee? How many hot dogs? In the process of trying to draw the line between what is okay and what is not when it comes to baby’s health, researchers and moms alike are missing the point. They are asking the wrong questions. The question should never be, what can I get away with? Instead, it should be, what can I do to improve my health and my baby’s health? Stop comparing 1 drink of wine … Continue reading

Teaching an Active Lifestyle from an Early Age

There are many temptations that keep us inside and sitting for long periods of time. We spend our evenings watching TV, catching up on Facebook, playing video games, board games, or eating long dinners with those we love. Individually, these things are not negative to our well being. However, anything taken to an extreme will have a negative effect on our lives and possibly the lives of our children. What do your children see you do on a regular basis? Are you encouraging a healthy active lifestyle? When I was a child, the neighborhoods were buzzing with children riding bikes, … Continue reading

Summer Sports for Dogs: Dock Jumping

Does your dog love the water? Does he love to fetch? You may have a world-class dock jumper on your hands. Dock jumping is exactly what it sounds like — a dog takes a running leap off a short dock into a pool of water. Where does fetching come in? The dog is usually jumping off the dock because he’s chasing a toy or a training “bumper” (a salami-shaped canvas toy). A competition set-up includes a dock platform around forty feet long, a lake or portable pool, and an exit ramp off to the side. The dock sits two feet … Continue reading

The Right Dog For Your Healthy Lifestyle

Sometimes, we need a motivation to make the best choices for our health — eating right, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, and getting regular check-ups from the doctor. Some people like to team up with a workout buddy to make sure they keep going to the gym. Some people join a weight loss program for the companionship and moral support. But you may have a GREAT workout motivator snoozing at your feet when you watch TV or work on that sudoku puzzle: your dog. Different breeds of dog are great for different workouts, and can be the most energetic, enthusiastic … Continue reading

What to Consider When Getting Another Pet

Room for more? Most pet owners are animal lovers and that often means we want multiple pets. We know, however, that we can’t be pet hoarders; we have to draw the line somewhere. How do we know where that line is? I’m thinking about getting another cat. Cole gets lonely both overnight (cats tend to be nocturnal) and when we are away for long. My dog Chihiro doesn’t play with him as much as she used to. The perfect solution is another feline companion. But how to know if that’s the right thing to do? When thinking about getting an … Continue reading

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is when the person produces no insulin. Type 2 Diabetes is when a person does not product enough insulin. Type 1 diabetes is considered an autoimmune disease and it is thought to be inherited. Type 2 diabetes is often called adult onset diabetes as it occurs later in life. It is thought that being overweight is a leading contributor to this type of diabetes. While both seem to have genetic factors, Type 2 is often treated with and prevented by losing weight, exercising and healthy eating. While Type 2 Diabetes is sometimes referred to adult onset diabetes, … Continue reading

How much should a child exercise?

Have you ever wanted to bottle up a child’s energy? You can always find a kid moving and playing actively, right? I have four kids and three of the four never stop moving. Wait! Yes, they will stop moving when there is a screen in front of their face. It could be a TV screen or a computer screen but if they can see it they are in a seated position and time will be lost. So even the most active children can have moments of lazy times in front of the TV or playing a video game. This becomes … Continue reading

A bit of spritual motivation at the dinner table.

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV I want to start out by saying that is not a Christian website. supports families of all sizes, colors and set of beliefs. welcomes all families and individuals to partake in their site and discussion boards. The weight loss section is not affiliated with the Christian section of this website. So what is with the verse and spiritual motivation? In my time writing for, I have received several messages and emails from readers. I am … Continue reading