Seeing Cancer Everywhere!!

Prior to my diagnosis I never really heard from people that they knew of someone or they themselves had cancer. It seems everywhere I turn there is someone knew with the diagnosis. I really don’t know if it is that more people are getting cancer, that people are more willing to talk about it or if they are just willing to talk about it because they have heard that I too am a cancer patient. I am not quite sure when a person turns from being a cancer patient to being a cancer survivor. My oncologist tells me that you … Continue reading

Cancer: Local Spread vs. Metastasis

One of the most insidious things about cancer is the way it can spread. I’m not especially a fan of the way it can keep coming back after treatment, either, but that’s a story for another day. The American Cancer Society talks about two different types of spread: local or regional spread and metastasis. Local or regional spread is when a cancer extends beyond the organ in which it started. For example, a very large breast cancer could spread into the lymph nodes in the armpit or the lungs. Metastasis means that the cancer has moved to an entirely new … Continue reading

The State of Texas Wants to Cure Cancer

The Lone Star State is looking to become a leader in cancer research and prevention over the next ten years — and is investing three billion dollars to do it. That three billion dollars would make Texas the holder of the second largest bank of cancer research funds in the nation — second only to the National Cancer Institute. And Texas is already home to some leaders in the fight against cancer, like the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The idea to create the Cancer Prevention and … Continue reading

Lance Armstrong Comes Clean to Doping

The other night, I was in bed, looking for something to watch on television.  I know, I know, experts say you shouldn’t have a television in your bedroom, but I find it comforting to watch a little before I go to bed. I was channel surfing when I came across the Lance Armstrong interview on OWN.  I didn’t realize this was the first airing and I am not a huge cycling fan, but something compelled me to watch. It has already been leaked to the media that Armstrong would confess to using performance-enhancing drugs to Oprah, but I wanted to … Continue reading

The Hits Continue for Lance Armstrong

Oh, it was good to be Lance Armstrong a few years back. Young, athletic, and attractive, Armstrong won the Tour de France, the grueling, yet historic annual multiple stage bicycle race, seven years in a row. Seven. In a row. Heck, even cancer couldn’t beat him. After chemo proved successful, he formed the Lance Armstrong Foundation, now known as the Livestrong Foundation, to help others defeat cancer and live a healthier lifestyle. He dated a rock star (Sheryl Crow from 2003 until 2005) and has fathered five healthy, beautiful children. Yes, it was good to be Lance Armstrong…until now. Armstrong … Continue reading

Coenzyme Q10: Overview

You may also know it as CoQ10, vitamin Q10, or Ubiquinone… but by any name, coenzyme Q10 may have a big role to play in fighting cancer. First things first: what’s the difference between an enzyme and a coenzyme? An enzyme is a protein that helps increase the rate of natural chemical reactions in the body. A coenzyme is a compound that helps an enzyme do its job. As far as I know, the coenzyme that gets the most press is coenzyme Q10. This is a compound made by the body for a variety of reasons: to make energy needed … Continue reading