Giving Yourself Holiday Recovery Time

I have the unfortunate habit of getting sick over the holidays. It’s almost like my body knows that there are a few days off in my future, and saves up the sickness for those days so I don’t miss whatever important things are going on before and afterwards. On the positive side, it does kind of ensure that I use my holiday time for resting and taking good care of myself. Holidays (and vacations) can be wonderful and fun… but they can also be hectic and stressful. Travel can be full of worries, anxiety, and questions: will you make that … Continue reading

Holidays and Health

I made it through Thanksgiving without my usual holiday problem. But the winter holidays are upon us and my body is showing signs of impending doom. Ever since I started college, I’ve experienced a weird phenomenon: I tend to fall ill around the holidays. I figure it’s partly due to stress (final exams, racing around to do shopping, preparing for family gatherings) and partly due to the fact that my subconscious KNOWS that it’s got a few days off coming. The perfect time to give in to whatever bug is going around, right? Right. Because the sore throat, cough, and … Continue reading