Stocks, Weather, and Heart Attacks

Is there a link between the stock market and heart health? Researchers from Duke University think there might be. Researchers studied heart attack treatment data from Duke University’s hospital. They started with December 2007 — the beginning of the current recession — and stopped with the signs of economic recovery in July 2009. As Nasdaq stock market numbers sank, the number of heart attacks treated tended to rise. During the period studied, close to one thousand people suffered heart attacks and were treated at Duke University. Researchers found that when the stock market recovered, the number of heart attacks went … Continue reading

Three Major Indicators of Heart Attack

The signs of a heart attack can be subtle. Remember my friend who didn’t realize he had a heart attack? Not everyone experiences the same symptoms in the same way when they’re having a heart attack. Knowing yourself is a great way to start. Are you familiar with your risk factors? Have you had your cholesterol levels and blood pressure tested within the last year? If you aren’t at high risk for a heart attack, that chest pain might be gas or heartburn. That pain in your arm might be from rearranging the furniture. But if you are at risk, … Continue reading

Six Causes for Jaw Pain

Sometimes, a health issue is straightforward: you experience pain in an area of the body, and that’s where the problem is. Sometimes, where it hurts isn’t where the problem actually is. The jaw is an area of the body where there’s a few different things going on — you’ve got your teeth and sinuses and ears in close proximity, and pain in any one of those three could leave you with an achy jaw. So what could that jaw pain be? If the pain appears at the hinge of your jaw when you open your mouth wide, there may be … Continue reading

My Forced Weight Loss Journey – How It Started

I used the word “forced” in the title when I guess no one can be truly “forced” to lose weight. But, let me tell you a bit about my history and why I felt this was forced. When I was younger, I was very active, but like many of us, I became more and more sedentary as the years went on. I married for the first (and only!) time at 36 and right before I turned 40, I realized if we were going to have any children, we had better get started! I was very lucky in that we got … Continue reading

Calming Tachycardia

Tachycardia is any heartbeat faster than one hundred beats per minute. It can come on suddenly, and may bring shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, and panic. There are different kinds of tachycardia — some life-threatening and some not. If you are experiencing rapid heartbeat, you should talk to your doctor. A visit to the office and a few tests can rule out dangerous types of tachycardia. If you have a NOT life-threatening form of tachycardia — paroxysmal atrial tachycardia — these tips may help calm your racing heart. Cut back (or cut out) stimulants like coffee, tea, and soda. Overuse … Continue reading