Hoop Dreams Dashed

What happens when March Madness turns into March sadness? Today, the 2013 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament tips off, with four play-in games taking place to whittle the field of 68 teams down to the traditional 64. Millions of people the world over have spent hours upon hours putting the finishing touches on their game brackets.  Meanwhile, the players, coaches and families affiliated with the teams vying for the national title are getting ready to experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.  The latter can be a heavy burden given the monumental stakes at hand. However, it’s not … Continue reading

Get Healthy Now – Part 2

Still in need of some get healthy now tips? Here are a few more to kick-start you on your way to a better you: Eat more fruits and veggies! Every meal should contain at least one fruit and vegetable. We are supposed to have between 2 and 4 servings of fruit each day and between 3 and 5 servings of vegetables each day. Add up what you’ve had on any given day and it might frighten you (it has me!). Dry-brush your teeth. It may sound odd, but just 30 seconds of dry brushing your teeth (no toothpaste) can cut … Continue reading

Sorting It All Out

I’ve been helping my friend Nancy declutter. For some people, being organize comes naturally, others have to work at it. The most important thing is to make it easy on yourself. If you have a way to sort, get rid of and throw away things they won’t pile up. Nancy’s laundry room is where everything ends up. Everything she doesn’t need goes there to die. First thing we have to do is set up some sort of system to get rid of it all. Since her laundry room is so big we are able to use storage bins for discards. … Continue reading

Rad Grad Layouts

From preschool to college, graduation ceremonies are in full swing across the country this month. Commencement is a huge milestone in the lives of loved ones, be it from kindergarten, eighth grade, high school or law school. These special moments deserve scrapbook space, even if it means creating a single layout. However, in most cases, the monumental event typically warrants at least a few pages, if not an entire memory album unto itself. These days it is easy to find ways to craft multiple rad grad layouts. Scrapbook supply shops are filled with graduation-themed embellishments, from diploma-shaped die cuts to … Continue reading

Mousejunkies: One Man’s Life at Disney World

Today I’m looking at the second of the three books my mother bought me about Disney World vacations. This time around it’s the multi-titled “Mousejunkies! Tips, Tales, and Tricks for Disney World Fix: all you need to know for a perfect vacation” by Bill Burke. I’d call Burke’s book a proto-blog, but it was published in 2009 and thus right at the height of the blogosphere’s popularity. I want to name it that because like “Mini Mickey,” “Mousejunkies” is essentially a review of a Disney World vacation, containing looks at all the relevant restaurants, attractions, and hotels. “Mini Mickey,” however, … Continue reading

What Wealthy People Do

I have always admired wealthy people. While I do not personally know many of them, I am always inspired when I learn about the ways that people that are wealthy acquire and keep their fortunes. Today, I learned some very interesting things about millionaires. While the constant media coverage of Hollywood divorces may cause us to associate being rich and famous with being doomed to marital failure, many wealthy people marry only once. It is uncertain exactly how much of an influence this has had on these couples’ ability to be wealthy, but it can’t hurt – divorce can be … Continue reading

Bookperk Has Insider Deals On Special Books

Do you love books? I am someone who cannot go into a bookstore without finding several books that I simply must have. My home is filled with more books than can fit onto my bookshelves. Perhaps you can relate to what I am saying. If so, then you will be as excited as I was to find Bookperk! This website has insider deals on special books. As I write this today, I am sitting next to a pile of books that I have read, but haven’t put away yet. There are a few that I have yet to find the … Continue reading

Rising Energy Costs

Back in pioneer times, it was easy to heat a house. Go outside, chop some wood, throw it on the fire or in the stove, and presto. There you go. It was also easy to fuel your vehicle – just give the horse some hay and oats, and your buggy could go for miles. It wasn’t hard to get the wood for the stove. You’d either chop down some trees or you’d trade a neighbor who had wood. You’d grow the oats on your own farm, and the hay would come from your own wheat. Yes, all of this required … Continue reading

Average Length of Marriages

Mary Ann posed an interesting question on a recent article, about the average length of marriages these days. It’s hard to track down exact statistics as there are so many variables, but here are a few things I found will give an idea of the length of the average marriage. In the United Kingdom in 2003, out of 153490 divorces, 40,599 divorces occurred during the first 5-9 years time frame. The next biggest number was between 10-14 years 29,831 and 20,923 in the 15-19 years period. What is interesting is the number that ends up in divorce after only 0-2 … Continue reading

Top 10 Must Visit Green Web Sites

Want to learn more about being green, whether it is at home steps you can take to make the world a better place, organizations that are monitoring the world’s practices, or preventing animal extinction? It is easy as a touch of the fingertips with these incredible websites: 10. Greenpeace Even people who don’t know much about going green have probably heard of Greenpeace. They have been trying to protect and conserve the environment for almost 40 years. 9. Going Green (TIME) TIME has devoted a section of its main web page to green issues. Weekly articles are posted on such … Continue reading