When Your Toddler is Sick

One of the worst parts of parenting is seeing your child sick and not being able to do anything about it. As a mother, it breaks my heart to see my son sick. I thought that before he was talking, but now that he is talking, it has gotten worse. My son now says, “I’m good,” as if he thinks being sick is punishment. Tonight, as I write this, my heart is breaking. My son has a fever and cough and feels awful. He can’t get comfortable and he doesn’t know why. I can’t seem to get him to understand … Continue reading

Beating the Mid-Afternoon Slump

I recently had the opportunity to do some temp work for a friend of mine in an office setting. As a freelancer, I’m used to setting my own schedule. I love having the freedom to work for a few hours, take a break to walk the dogs or do something else, and then going back to the keyboard for another few hours. I’m out of the habit of working an eight hour day! One thing I noticed was the mid-afternoon slump — an hour or two after lunch, I found myself tired and unfocused. I’ll admit that I went for … Continue reading

Essential Oil: Orange

Orange essential oil is relatively common — which means it is easy to find and very affordable. That’s a good thing, because orange essential oil is also very useful for a lot of different things! The orange tree is native to Asia, and was brought to the rest of the world by travelers and explorers. Orange trees can be found in groves around the world, including Israel, Spain, and the United States. Most of the world’s orange essential oil is produced in France, Italy, Israel, Cyprus, and the United States. The essential oil is cold pressed from the peel of … Continue reading

“I Feel Like I’m Falling Apart.” 8 Ways to Cope with Overwhelming Stress

Anyone who has parented a special needs child understands it’s an all-consuming responsibility. As parents (and especially mothers) we have a tendency to pour our whole heart and soul into the special care of our son or daughter. Our instinct to nurture takes over, and we expect to be the “rescuer” who will make everything all better. We run ourselves ragged. We worry; we agonize. We don’t eat right and get enough sleep. And this eventually causes stress to overwhelm our bodies. Stress Took Over My Life In a previous blog I wrote about my own personal battle with stress … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Get Car Sick?

We’re all so used to hearing the tales of putting the baby in the car to soothe them and help them go to sleep. But babies can get carsick too. If your baby suffers from motion or car sickness in the car, here are some tips to help prevent the queasiness when they are riding in the car: Feed them ahead of time – avoid giving them bottles or other food while they are riding in the car and to prevent them taking a car ride on an empty stomach. If they get motion sick, an empty stomach will increase … Continue reading