Travel Health: Jetlag

What is jetlag, anyway? Is it for real, or just an excuse to take an extra day off after that big vacation to recover? Every person has an internal clock. This small cluster of brain cells helps control the timing of biological functions — like alertness, or sleepiness. The rhythm of your body as determined by your internal clock is known as your circadian rhythms. Read more about circadian rhythms here. When your body clock is thrown out of sync — by travel to another time zone — you may feel fatigued, disoriented, confused and fuzzy-headed, and tense. You may … Continue reading

The Secret Code That Gets You Screened

I’ve wondered, while standing in the airport security check line, what makes them single out a person for a thorough screening. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem to make sense — the harried mom, or the hurried businessperson, or the cute, youngish woman flying alone (that’d be me) gets pulled out of line and searched. It happened to me on a flight from Newark, NJ to Cincinnati, Ohio. I got pulled out of line and had to wait — feeling nervous and awkward — while the security folks pawed through my bag and went over me with that wand thing. At first, … Continue reading