Treating Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is often a result of more than one health issue. Treating just one problem may not relieve your chronic pelvic pain. Dealing with your chronic pelvic pain starts with finding the right doctor. Chronic pelvic pain involves several body systems: the bladder, the colon, the uterus, and more. It may be difficult to find a pelvic pain specialist in your area. Ask your regular doctor or gynecologist for a referral, look into local teaching hospitals, or do some research online. If you don’t have a specific diagnosis yet, try starting with the International Pelvic Pain Society. If … Continue reading

What Causes Chronic Pelvic Pain?

Approximately fifteen percent of women in America suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Sitting, walking, going to the bathroom, and even certain clothes can be incredibly painful for women who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Doctors have recently realized that chronic pelvic pain is often caused by more than one problem. Treating just one cause may not solve the problem of chronic pain. Here are some of the most common causes: Endometriosis — a condition where cells that are similar to the lining of the uterus migrate and break down during your monthly menstrual period. If you have endometriosis, you may … Continue reading

Fun with Hormones!

I was on birth control for part of my twenties… and I have to say, I really liked it. I enjoyed the regular periods and the lack of PMS symptoms. It was great knowing exactly when things would start and end. But once I wasn’t sexually active (between relationships, you see), I stopped taking birth control. I didn’t need it for the birth control aspect, and my periods stayed relatively regular for a few years after I stopped the hormones. The doctor I saw at the teaching clinic said that he thought “birth control” wasn’t the best name. For women … Continue reading

Health: Chlamydia

In the United States, chlamydia is the most common of the sexually transmitted diseases. A bacterial infection, chlamydia infects approximately 5% of people. The most likely who will contract chlamydia are African-Americans, people who live in urban areas, teenagers and young adults, and ones who fall into the low end of the socioeconomic category. The bacterial cause of this, Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia can be transferred from one person to another by sexual means and from a mother to her unborn child during delivery. This bacteria can cause eye infections in an infant and/or pneumonia. Women with chlamydia generally exhibit no … Continue reading