Vaccines That Grown-Ups May Miss

Immunization isn’t just for childhood. In fact, immunization experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control say that some childhood vaccines may not last a lifetime. Here are a few vaccinations that may need a booster. Tetanus — you should be getting a tetanus booster every year. Now you also have the option of extra protection in the form of the Tdap booster, which also includes protection against whooping cough and diphtheria. Pertussis (whooping cough) has been making a comeback over the last twenty years — more than twenty-five thousand cases were reported in the U.S. in 2005. CDC experts … Continue reading

What’s the Spookiest Thing That’s Happened to You on Halloween?

Happy Halloween! I don’t know if it’s the kid in me or what, but Halloween remains one of my favorite holidays. I love decorating and dressing up even though I don’t have any kids and some may think I’m too old for such nonsense. But I don’t care. I still think it’s a hoot. However, this Halloween, even though the decorations are up, I find myself facing something very scary indeed. A trip to the doctor. Dreading the Doctor After having to schlep my mom to and from doctors’ offices this past year, I’ve semi-sort of conquered one fear in … Continue reading