Tips For Gathering And Supporting Family

The month of December includes several holidays, including Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Solstice. Many people enjoy gathering together to celebrate with members of their families during these holiday celebrations. For best results, follow these tips for gathering and supporting family members. Plan Gatherings Around The Most Vulnerable Family Members CNBC News reported advice from Dr. Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago. Her number one piece of advice is to plan gatherings around the most vulnerable family members. Vulnerable communities include people who are immunocompromised, children, and elderly people. Dr. Wallace listed the following examples of how … Continue reading

Protecting Your Children from Online Scammers

We live in an age driven by technology. Children are more technologically advanced than ever before. My four year old is no exception. He can work an Ipad much better than I can. He knows how to get into all his favorite games, how to get to the Dinsey Channel, and just about anything else he sets his mind to. I think kids these days are just born that way. While technology can be an amazing educational tool for our children, it can also be a very dangerous place, as we all know. More and more predators are out there … Continue reading

Shopping with Grandma and Grandpa

A few days ago my mother-in-law invited me to go shopping for some shoes and perhaps some clothes for the the kiddos and work wear for my husband (my husband hates shopping so I usually buy clothes that I think will work for him and return or exchange as necessary) before the holiday rush that typically starts after Thanksgiving. She threw a date out when she would be free and luckily, we were also free that afternoon. We planned to meet at one of the less busy malls in our area. I told my son of our plans to meet … Continue reading

Keep Calm And Potty On

After a few weeks of relatively smooth sailing as far as potty learning is concerned, Dylan has started to regress. I think that this started some time yesterday, and there were quite a few accidents today. As tempting as it was to tell him that little boys who treat their underwear like diapers will wear diapers, I resisted. Instead, I decided that I would do some research on potty learning regression. The first thing that I learned about regression is that it is quite common. That does not take the frustration away, but it reassures me that this is not … Continue reading

Six Critical Skills for Frugal and Eco-Friendly Kids

These are frugal times, and these are times when environmental consciousness is rising. How can you prepare your kids to live as adults when times are more frugal and much more ecologically conscious? This generation of parents has lost a lot of the skills that our grandparents had. I know I have, and I’m trying to regain them. Here are six ways that you can help your children become frugal adults. By modeling these skills and allowing your kids to help, you’ll give them great know-how for the future. Preparing Food Prepared food is something that is easy for kids … Continue reading

Illinois Mom Abandoned Special Needs Daughter in Tennessee

A mother from Illinois drove to Tennessee specifically so she could abandon her daughter there. The daughter is nineteen years old, and has some severe special needs. Legally, the mother was no longer officially the guardian of her adult daughter, and so, cannot be charged with a crime for abandoning her. Eva Cameron is a mother who lives in Algonquin, Illinois. She has three children: a daughter who is sixteen years old, a son who is seventeen years old, and a daughter named Lynn Cameron, who is nineteen years old. Lynn has special needs. She has diminished mental abilities, and … Continue reading

Be Present and Connect With Your Child

I live a busy life. As a single mother with a full time job, I don’t always have the time to do what I would like to do. One of the things that is most important to me is connecting with my daughter. I want to be present for Hailey’s life, I want to be involved, I want her to know that, not only do I care about her, but that I’m interested in her as a person. The challenge is always, how to find the time to really connect with my child. Time is precious but so is a … Continue reading


When I was little, I used to sleepwalk. I have always been pretty active during sleep. That may sound ridiculous, but it is true. I would sleep walk as a child, I have had many lucid dreams (where you are aware in your dream that you are, in fact, dreaming), and even now, I have very busy dreams. But, that’s for another blog. I remember my mother telling me once that our dog stopped me from going down the stairs one night when I was sleepwalking by barking until my parents woke up. One night not too long ago, I … Continue reading

Appreciating the Craziness of Children

Yesterday afternoon I picked up my daughter from school and informed her that her babysitter would be coming over in a couple of hours so we needed to do her homework right away. She was thrilled! She said, “She is the best girl in the whole world.” My son had been exclaiming how he couldn’t wait to show her his new toy all day long. My husband was thrilled because he was going to have his wife for a few hours all to himself. Me? I was exhausted from cleaning the house all day long in preparation for the big … Continue reading

Dangers of Distracted Walking

We have all heard of distracted driving. But a recent tragedy has me not only thinking about but talking about distracted walking. An extremely tragic accident occurred last week in the city I live in. An 11-year-old boy was walking to school when he was fatally struck by a train. He was listening to music through his earbuds, so he couldn’t hear the train. He also had his hood up, so he didn’t see it either. There has been an outpouring of love and support from the entire community to the mother. I have been praying daily for God to … Continue reading