President Obama’s Town Hall Meeting with Seniors

President Obama has met a lot of opposition to his new health-care law, but today, he tried to win over senior citizens as many watched his live broadcast about changes in Medicare. Senior citizens may be one of the most concerned groups about health care. After all, as many people age, their health starts to fail or at least become more fragile. And most senior citizens are on a limited budget. With medical care and prescriptions rising, the cause for alarm is understandable. Under the new health-care law, seniors on Medicare will begin receiving $250 drug rebate checks in the … Continue reading

Warning Signs for Depression in Seniors

The signs of depression in senior citizens can be subtle — especially if the person does not want to acknowledge that they have a problem. For today’s older adults, an admission of a mental problem like depression often meant a trip to an institution for care. That would make me reluctant to speak up, for sure. Knowing the warning signs of depression in seniors can help. Depression that comes late in life may not look like the depression seen in younger people. Watch for mood changes — especially in the wake of a major life change like moving, losing a … Continue reading