Five Quick Fixes for Snoring (and One Slow Fix)

Experts estimate that nearly half of all adults snore. Are you one of them? Are you troubled by snoring (your own or your bed mate’s)? My mom used to snore — loud enough that I could hear her from my room with the door closed. She gave those Breathe Right nasal strips a try and they REALLY cut back on the snoring. She hasn’t stopped entirely, but the nasal strips did make a definite difference. Here are some more quick fixes for nighttime noise that may help you AND your spouse get a good night’s sleep. Change the way you … Continue reading

What Causes Snoring?

In a strange turn of events last night, I heard myself snoring. I was having a weird dream (sort of a monster movie kind of scenario) and one of the people in my dream kept telling me that I was snoring. “No,” I insisted. “I don’t snore.” But I could HEAR myself snoring while I was dreaming (and denying it). Very weird. I tend to talk in my sleep — I’ve done it since I was a little kid — but don’t often snore. So it made me wonder about the cause. A few different things can cause snoring, like: … Continue reading

Reducing Snoring in Pregnancy

Snoring is not uncommon during pregnancy. Researchers estimate that approximately 30% of all pregnant women snore to some degree during pregnancy. Some women snore occasionally and others snore every night. There are several causes of airway restriction that result in snoring. Weight is one factor in snoring. Women who gain more than the recommended 25-35 pounds are at greater risk of snoring. The more weight a woman gains, the more likely that snoring will be a problem. Another factor is airway restriction that results from asthma. Women with asthma are more likely to snore. Nasal congestion also contributes to the … Continue reading

A Cure For Snoring Or… The Perfect Father’s Day Gift

After weeks of searching, researching, and wracking my brain I think I may have found it… the perfect Father’s Day gift for my beloved dad. It won’t hang from his neck or help him catch fish, but it may help him catch more zzz’s. It’s called the Sonapillow and it’s supposed to help bring relief to people who snore. Yes, my dad is a snorer. At best snoring is annoying. At worst it can be a potentially serious health problem. I think my dad’s snoring falls somewhere in the middle. But he is not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from … Continue reading

Ways That Sleep Apnea Affects Insurance

Sleep apnea is a serious health condition that can cause a person to snore, loudly, every night. It is easy to see how sleep apnea can affect a person’s spouse. The condition can also affect a person’s health insurance, life insurance, and auto insurance premiums. Sleep apnea is a type of breathing disorder that doctors have become more aware of in the past few years. The disorder causes a person to repeatedly stop breathing while he or she is sleeping. This can cause the brain, and the rest of the body, to be unable to get enough oxygen. The most … Continue reading

Do You and Your Spouse Sleep in Separate Beds?

In the days of black and white television, it was scandalous to show a man and woman in the same bed. I remember seeing episodes of I Love Lucy and wondered why Lucy and Ricky had twin beds—the world just wasn’t ready for anything more suggestive. Today when we hear of a man and woman sleeping in two separate beds, our thoughts immediately leap to the conclusion that they are having anger and/or sexual problems. But is that the only reason for sleeping separately? Some people are driven to the couch or to the guest bedroom by their spouse’s snoring … Continue reading

Insurers Say Sleep Lab Tests are Overprescribed

Snoring used to be considered little more than an annoyance. Today, doctors understand that there can be a connection between snoring and sleep apnea. Sleep tests done in a lab are expensive, and insurers believe that they are being overprescribed. This could be increasing the cost of health insurance. Sleep Apnea is something that doctors have become more aware of over the years. It is a type of sleeping disorder that is serious. Sleep Apnea causes a person to repeatedly stop breathing while he or she is sleeping. This can cause the brain, and the rest of the body, to … Continue reading

Getting A Good Nights Sleep

What does your bedroom look like? Is this the room you stuff things in if you have unexpected company? Do you put things in your bedroom, until you can find a place for them? I know I’m guilty of that. I have books that need to be shelved, clothes that need to be donated, even a toddler bed that needs to go in another room. Yes it’s inconvenient to have to walk around all of these things and as we all know, clutter seems to breed clutter. It’s much easier to put something in a room that’s already a little … Continue reading

Taking Each Other for Granted

‘Everything’s getting quicker these days, even infidelity,’ Mick said when I told him about a recent article which had discovered it was no longer a seven year itch but a three year glitch. However infidelity isn’t the reason for these couples splitting up. Rather than infidelity, a recent survey has found it is about that three year period where couples start to take each other for granted. And what are the things that are causing them to get disenchanted with their partner? Such things as ‘weight gain, stinginess, and toe-nail clippings on the bathroom floor and snoring’ are among the … Continue reading

Toddler Hearing Test

Jessie has been working with Early Childhood Intervention for more than a year. As much as I wanted her to get speech therapy, no one would agree to it until well after she turned two. Previously it was agreed that she was communicating just fine, although not the way I wanted. I wanted to make sure that there weren’t any problems with her hearing. If she’s not hearing the sounds right, it’s no wonder she’s not repeating them. I found an ENT and scheduled her appointment. The hearing test was a lot different than when I had my hearing tested … Continue reading