Tommy’s New Sister – Gerda Marie Scheidl

Is there a new little one on the way to your house? Do you know someone who has just had a baby? If that baby has older siblings, this might be a great gift to help deal with sibling rivalry. Tommy has a wonderful mother and father, and a great dog named Muffin. But one day, a new baby came to live with them. Her name was Wendy, and she stayed for a really long time! That was confusing. He didn’t understand why she was bald, either. And he really didn’t want to help take care of her. Tommy had … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: What Solids Should I Avoid?

Question: My baby seems to have a sensitive stomach. He seems to react to foods that even I eat. He is 4 months old and I want to start him on solids soon but I’m not sure which solid foods will make him constipated or irritate his stomach. Any advice? I think that as parents we spend most of our time with our babies feeding them. I can think of nothing else that takes up as much time as does feeding. Consequently we also spend the most time worrying and wondering about the how, what, when, etc. of starting solid … Continue reading

Medication and the First Trimester

At the beginning of the week I cautioned against going off medication when you get pregnant.  Now I want to write a follow-up, because it actually is important to know any potential dangers with medicine and the first trimester. As a rule I’ve avoided reading lists of dangers, side effects, and rare pregnancy and birth problems.  They’ll just cause me unnecessary stress, and since pregnant women usually see their doctors at least once a month, I trust mine to keep me informed about anything that will actually/is actually affecting me.  But it is important to know that the first trimester … Continue reading

Most Important Early Pregnancy Advice

Many people might start off their first pregnancy blog with a story: why they decided to have a baby (or not), the story of how they became pregnant, their early thoughts on pregnancy and childbirth.  I might get to all of that, or I might not.  But today I want to share one of the most important things I learned in my first month of pregnancy: do not go off any medication without talking to your doctor first. This might seem silly or obvious, but I cannot stress how important it is.  My whole first trimester might have taken a … Continue reading

Climbing a Mountain for a Cure

A group of very brave people is going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in order to raise money to find a cure for EE. Their goal is to conquer Eosinophilic disease, which currently has no cure. You can help support their efforts with your donation. You have probably heard about people doing a Race for the Cure or having a Walk for the Cure for various diseases. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a situation where people are going to climb a mountain for a cure. It isn’t just any mountain, either. It’s Mt. Kilimanjaro, the largest free … Continue reading

Remembering 9/11 First Responders and Volunteers

Today was certainly a day for remembrance. It was the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy and the television was filled with shows about the day. I’ve seen a lot of these shows but there was one I had seen before that I didn’t notice in today’s schedule. Almost 3,000 people died 10 years ago, and we certainly need to remember them and their families, but there’s another group that needs to be remembered today as well – the surviving first responders and volunteers. Sometime after 9/11, I saw a show about the first responders that survived and how many … Continue reading

Bedtime Struggles

We had a hard time transitioning Jessie to her big girl bed that we gave up and put her back in her crib with a crib tent. When we needed to move Baby E out of the swing where she’d been sleeping because of severe reflux to her crib, we wanted to move Jessie to her new room so the children wouldn’t wake each other. We knew, however, that Jessie still wasn’t ready to sleep in her twin bed so we moved her crib into her new room. We hoped that sleeping in the room she’s not used to in … Continue reading

Four Tips for Settling a Nervous Stomach

When my dogs have an upset stomach, I know just what to do: cook up a pot of white rice, mix it with some chicken broth, and serve it up. But when I’m dealing with my own nervous stomach, the solution isn’t quite so easy. A “nervous stomach” is often a symptom of stress… at least, it is for me! As the stress level in my life goes up (I feel like I’m at Stresscon Five right now), my stomach wants to join the party. Sometimes, I lose my appetite. More often, the problem shows up at the end of … Continue reading

Working Out When You Are Overweight

Question: It is so difficult for me to work out, as I am very overweight. I get short of breath easily and it is so uncomfortable for me just to move let alone bend over to touch my toes. How can I work out without it being so uncomfortable? Answer: If you are overweight and trying to exercise it will most likely be uncomfortable… first. Remember, you are carrying the excess load of that additional weight. Start out slow, but not too slow. You are going to have to push yourself a little bit.okay…you will have to push yourself a … Continue reading

Common Causes for Bad Breath

Would you believe that there are ninety million people in the United States alone suffering from chronic bad breath? That’s a lot of halitosis! What causes all that bad breath? These are the top culprits: The food you eat. Some things are just stinkier than others — like garlic or onions. Food can also contribute to problems with bacteria in the mouth (see number 3 for the explanation). Tobacco and alcohol. They can leave your mouth stinky! Bacteria that lives in the mouth. When bacteria in the mouth interact with food particles, they can give off stinky by-products. Bacteria can … Continue reading